The Gardens

Lysimachia clethroides / Gooseneck Loosestrife

in Gwen's garden July 2, 2010
Lysimachia clethroides

I got divisions from Gwen, because "she had so much" --- well, yeah, they are aggressive. I put these in pots to keep them controlled.

They actually look good in the pots, the arching form is a nice complement to trailing soapwort.  I like the white curved flower spikes, which do look like the necks of geese.

in my container June 29, 2010
In fall, the foliage turned a lovely golden color.

It is now an ex-plant.

I liked it, and keeping it in a container was working well, but in 2012 it grew in pots but did not bloom. I have to assume this aggressive spreader did not like to be so root bound in a pot.

I didn't want to put it in the garden for fear it would overtake everything, so I ended up eliminating this plant.  I did like it though, when it bloomed and in fall when the leaves turned golden.

October 30, 2010

July 3, 2011

October 21, 2012  Nice foliage in fall, but they never bloomed all summer