[Members of the Sunflower Family with Daisy-like Flower Heads East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Townsendias East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Townsendia

Showy Townsendia: Townsendia florifer

Showy Townsendia: Townsendia florifer

Showy Townsendia, Showy Townsend-daisy: Townsendia florifer (Synonyms: Townsendia florifer var. florifer, Townsendia florifer var. watsonii ) - Plants of lower, drier habitats. Stems several to numerous, often lax, from 5-15 cm long. The leaves are long and thin. The involucre is 7-10 mm high.

Mountain Townsendia: Townsendia montana (Synonyms: Townsendia alpigena, Townsendia alpigena var. alpigena, Townsendia montana var. montana) - Plants of alpine habitats, from 1-5 cm high. Flower heads narrower than the other varieties. The involucre ranges from 7-11 mm high. The involucral bracts are wider than those of variety parryi.

Parry's Townsendia: Townsendia parryi - Plants of subalpine to alpine habitats, from 1-30 cm high. Flower heads wide, with the disk from 1.5-3 cm wide. The involucre is 9-16 mm high. The involucral bracts are narrowly lanceolate with with acuminate tips.

Tufted Townsend-daisy, Ground Daisy: Townsendia scapigera -

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