Tag Archives: kermesbær

Central Park with Leda Meredith

I’ve “known” forager Leda Meredith since 1999 on the Edible Wild email list run by Melana Hiatt! I was very happy when I was passing through New York headed for Vermont and Ottawa early  in September 2014 that she agreed to meet me early on a Friday morning in Central Park to show me her foraging grounds!
I sadly only had about an hour in Leda’s company, but we managed to cram in a lot of edible plants in a short time….here’s some of them :)
This album was earlier shown on Facebook and was re-erected more permanently here for two reasons – my Norwegian FB friend Stein Tofte showed a picture of pokeweed, Phytolacca americana, growing in his garden at Randaberg near Stavanger – his plant came from seed collected in Central Park :) It’s also Leda’s birthday today….so this is for you, HAPPY FORAGING BIRTHDAY!!