Helleborus argutifolius 'Pacific Frost'

Common Name: Corsican Hellebore, Corsican Rose

2005 Perennial Plant of the Year--Helleborus x hybridus

A unique hellebore with dark green foliage that is heavily frosted (densely speckled) with white. Pure ivory blossoms are presented in clusters above rather than below the leaves like in many other species for a showier springtime display.

This species tends to be a large, sprawling one, though this variegated selection is likely to be more restrained. Mulch it heavily in fall if planting in northern regions of the country.

Hellebores are the harbingers of spring, blooming for six weeks or more beginning in late winter. They are often flowering during the Christian season of Lent. This is the perfect plant for naturalizing in moist, woodland areas where its extensive root system will spread as far as it is allowed.