Family: Convolvulaceae

Scientific Name: Dichondra argentea Silver Falls

Common Name: Silver Ponyfoot


Silver Falls Dichondra (Dichondra argentea) A fast-growing groundcover or hanging basket plant for the full sun area of the garden. Has silver-gray leaves.  A tender perennial that is often grown as an annual.

Plant TypePerennial Tender, Vines
Hardiness Zone(9)10-11
Moistureaverage to dry
Soil & Sitemust be well drained
Temperatureheat tolerant
Flowerssmall and inconspicuous, greenish-yellow to white, spring flowers, not showy
Leavesrounded to kidney shaped, covered with soft appressed silver gray hairs
Stemscan root at the nodes if moisture is present in the soil
Dimensions3-6 feet in length with a height of 2-3 inches.
Native Sitedesert regions in western Texas, New Mexico, southeastern Arizona, and northern Mexico.
Misc Facts"Genus name comes from the Greek words di meaning two and chondros meaning lump in reference to the fruit having two capsules. Specific epithet means silvered." (#144) AKA: Silver Nickel Vine, Silver Ponysfoot
Notes & Reference#144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (
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