Maximum size : 40.5 cm

Flowerhorn Cichlid - Cichlasomatinae Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Flowerhorn Cichlid (Cichlasomatinae) stands out as a preferred choice for aquarists seeking distinctive and substantial cichlids. Renowned for their captivating personalities and active interaction with their environment, Flowerhorns hold an irresistible allure for hobbyists. Moreover, within the realm of aquarium fish hybrids, Flowerhorns rank among the most visually striking outcomes of interbreeding cichlid species. Their robust constitution renders them easily manageable in captivity.

When considering cohabitation with other fish species, it is imperative to house Flowerhorn Cichlids in significantly spacious tanks, owing to their substantial size. While they may occasionally seek shelter behind rocks, Flowerhorns predominantly favor open areas within the aquarium. The inclusion of live plants is discouraged, as Flowerhorns typically consume them. Optimal care for Flowerhorn Cichlids often entails individual housing arrangements rather than community tank setups, unless the tank dimensions are notably expansive, as Flowerhorns exhibit territorial and aggressive tendencies. Vigilance regarding potential signs of injury or stress among tank mates is advised.

Flowerhorn Cichlids are recognized for their tendency to bite, which can result in lacerations and marks on human skin, thus necessitating caution during handling. When setting up the tank, it is advisable to arrange decor in a manner that establishes natural borders for their territorial space, thereby deterring other fish from entering their line of sight.

One of the most exciting features of the Flowerhorn Cichlid is its evolving colouring and patterns as it matures. Four different types of Flowerhorns are available: Regular, Pearl Scale, Zhen Zhu, and Golden. The Flowerhorn Cichlid boasts a thick, oval body with a prominent nuchal hump. Most have bluish-green metallic scales and reddish-pink colouration in the front half of their body, with a black horizontal marking on most but not all. The caudal fins are rounded and spade-like, while the anal and dorsal fins are long and pointed.

Flowerhorn Cichlid Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

The traditional means of identifying the sex of the Flowerhorn Cichlids has yet to be established, although several theories have been posited. It has been suggested that when adults are primed for breeding, a thick tube may protrude from the vent, with some asserting that the male's tube is more comprehensive, while others propose that the female's tube is thicker. In addition, specific individuals believe that the vent itself is enlarged rather than the tube, while others speculate that the female may exhibit a dark spot on her dorsal fin.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCichlasomatinae
Year Described1993
Other NamesHua Luo Han Cichlid
Max Size40.5 cm
Aquarium LevelAll Levels
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asLoners
Diet & FeedingCarnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 10 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.5 - 8.0
GH 9 - 20
Ideal Temperature
80 - 89
26 - 31

Natural Habitat

The Flowerhorn Cichlid, a striking aquarium fish, is exclusively bred in captivity and is not found in the wild due to its hybrid nature. The initial crossbreeding of several South American Cichlid species occurred in Malaysia during the mid-1900s, leading to the creation of the first hybrid Flowerhorn. The first generation of Flowerhorns, known as Hua Luo Han Cichlids, was established in 1998 by breeding the original Blood Parrot with the Jingang Blood Parrot hybrid. During the early days of their introduction to the United States, only two types of Flowerhorns were available - the Regular Flowerhorn and the Golden-based family - each with two subtypes of their own.


Breeding the Flowerhorn Cichlid is a challenging undertaking due to their potential to turn on one another and engage in combat. In contrast to other hybrid fish, the Flowerhorn Cichlid is capable of producing offspring. Therefore, the first step in successfully breeding these fish is to be mindful of the fish's lineage to ensure that the desired colours and patterns are produced in the young. Providing the female with ample hiding places is essential to avoid the male's persistent aggression towards her. If the male becomes overly aggressive, a divider with a raised bottom can be employed to allow them to interact while preventing physical contact.

It is important to remove other potential spawning locations, thereby compelling the female to deposit her eggs in a location that can be readily fertilized by the male. The water flow should be directed from the male's side to the female's side to facilitate fertilization. Feeding the Flowerhorns with frozen and live foods and conditioning them in advance, like any other breeding cichlid, is highly recommended. Additionally, increasing the temperature to the higher end of the range, maintaining a neutral pH, feeding the fish multiple times a day, and conducting regular water changes can help prevent the water from becoming overburdened with biological waste.

During the breeding process, the Flowerhorns will zealously guard their eggs and fry. Even if the parents are on amicable terms, the male may view the fry as his property and attack the female to keep her away from them. In such cases, the female should be removed immediately. Once the fry has hatched, they do not require much care and can consume newly hatched brine shrimp after approximately one or two weeks. High-quality crushed flakes and pellets can also be fed to the young.

Diet & Feeding

The carnivorous nature of the Flowerhorn Cichlid endows them with a substantial appetite, rendering them susceptible to underfeeding if not adequately nourished. Hence, it is imperative to ensure they receive sufficient sustenance. Flowerhorns readily consume a diverse array of fresh, live, and high-quality frozen foods. Beyond mere quantity, dietary variety assumes equal importance, necessitating the provision of a well-balanced diet comprising premium cichlid pellets, bloodworms, krill, earthworms, nightcrawler-crickets, and carotene-enhanced supplements.

Other Cichlids

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