Northwest Flower & Garden Show


This stunning Living Wall Bull’s Eye, created by West Seattle Nursery, won two major awards at the show–and was my personal favorite.  Check out the accompanying Living Hanging Lamp below.


Clematis at the Show

Of course, I was on the hunt for clematis and clematis-related items.  Only a very few clematis were showcased in the major displays.  Below is a lavender Clematis alpina tucked into a fence.  Poor lighting and distance from the viewer made getting a usable photo of the nearby New Zealand clematis impossible — but it was there!


Several Clematis armandii were on display at the show, both in the major display areas and among the vendors.  The only one actually blooming was this one at the Great Plant Picks booth.   Here in the Seattle area, we should be seeing (and smelling) Clematis armandii in full bloom within a month!


The last clematis I saw was the species Clematis balearica at the Northwest Perennial Alliance booth.  The better-known Clematis Freckles is a selection of this one.

cirrhpsa balerica2

Only one clematis (Clematis durundii) was for sale at the show (bare-root) – see photo below.  Since I already have that one, I managed to get home without a single clematis!  Where, oh where has Clearview Clematis been the past few years?  This British Columbian clematis grower set up beautiful clematis displays each year and had loads of clems for sale at the show!


Ideas for Clematis Structures in the Display Gardens

The Flower Show did, however, abound with potential structures for growing clematis–if you used your imagination.  Below are a few of the beauties I spotted:

Rusty iron circles artfully welded together.

Rusty iron circles artfully welded together.

Beautiful rebar fencing

Beautiful rebar fencing

Rustic Tuteur.  Wouldn't a clematis look great on that?

Rustic Tuteur. Wouldn’t a clematis look great on that?

Wild and crazy wires!  Perfect for vines.

Wild and crazy wires! Perfect for vines.

How about some real clematis to go with the wrought iron ones?

How about some real clematis to go with the wrought iron ones?

A cage?  Why not?

A cage? Why not?

What a gorgeous gate!

What a gorgeous gate!

Clematis Structures from the Vendors

Multitudes of vendors were cheek and jowl in the sales areas.  Eyes were popping and credit cards were singing.  Below are a sampling of potential clematis structures among the vendors.

Lovely metal panels for fences.

Lovely metal panels for fences.

How about a coatrack?

How about a coat rack?

Or the Space Needle!

Or the Space Needle!

More panels.

More panels.

Another cage!

Another cage!

Whoa!  Crazy!

Whoa! Crazy!

What Came Home with Me

Because I am growing many more clematis in pots now, I came home with two 4′ willow tuteurs, two 5′ metal tuteurs, and one 6′ metal tuteur (I may use that one in the ground).   My cat, of course, thought this was a photo-op for him.

Five New Teutors!

Five New Teutors!

An exciting vendor I discovered at the Flower Show is Garden Connect, which sells simple rubber connectors.  You can use them to make your own tuteurs, fences, or structures for veggies like peas and cucumbers.  See photos below or go to the Garden Connect website.  I came home with three packs of these!

Garden Connects -- for fast, easy plant support.

Garden Connects — for fast, easy plant support.

Now if the weather would just cooperate so I could get out there and start making more structures for my clematis!

Clematis in Germany and Holland, Part 2

Clematis in Germany & Holland, Part 2

This is Part 2 of a four-part description of my experiences at the International Clematis Society’s Conference in Southern Germany this past summer, including a pre-trip to Heidelberg and a post-trip to Holland. If you haven’t already read Part 1, you might want to go back and read that first (check category:  International Clematis Conference).


On our third day in the charming clematis village of Erlabrunn, we spent the morning walking around the village and enjoying all the beautiful clematis planted everywhere for our enjoyment. In the afternoon, we were off on a little river cruise to nearby Würzburg where we saw the Fortress Marienberg, with a beautiful view of Würzburg and its surroundings. On view were innumerable steep fields full of grape vines growing in neat rows – this area is afterall in the heart of Germany’s wine country. Then we visited the Würzburg Residence, a sumptuous palace built for a bishop in the 1700s. The central main hall of the residence is large enough for carriages with teams of six horses to drive into so the elite passengers would not have to disembark outside in the elements!

The Wurzburg Residence

The Wurzburg Residence

In the evening we were treated to a wine tasting in the Würzburg Residence wine cellar – very healthy tastes of six delicious local wines. The wine cellar still shows off casks that are hundreds of years old, but of course they use newer ones to make today’s wines. Afterwards, the chatty giggly group boarded a bus to head back to Erlabrunn.

The Wine Cellar

The Wine Cellar

The Village of Uettingen

The next morning, we packed up to head for Ludwigsburg near Stuttgart. On the way we made a little detour to the village of Uettingen, where we were enchanted by two lovely gardens, each one very different from the other.

Garden of Corinna Seubert-Korhman

Garden Dreams, the garden of Corinna Seubert-Kohrman, is beautifully laid out into garden rooms with carefully orchestrated color schemes and embellished with Corinna’s garden accessories. Views from one garden to another lead the eye through complex layers of texture and color, often to one of the many focal points that grace the garden. Corinna and her husband Frank purchased the run-down property twenty years ago and have transformed it into a showpiece, with Frank restoring the house and other buildings and Corinna establishing the garden. Corinna loves to use a wide range of garden accessories, planters, trellises, and outdoor furniture of extraordinary style in her gardens and offers many of these items for sale in her showroom.

Deft Use of Color & Texture

Deft Use of Color & Texture

A View from One Garden Room into Others

A View from One Garden Room into Others

Garden Accessories

Garden Accessories

Our group of clematarians (aka clemaniacs) included several clematis hybridizers. Two of them, Manfred Westphal of Clematisculturen Westphal in Germany and Szczepan Marczynski of Clematis-Container Nursery in Poland, spent several minutes standing before a large clematis loaded with pale blue blossoms discussing whether the plant could be Clematis Prince Charles or not. They finally concluded that the plant was a C. Prince Charles look-alike, not the real thing.   Unfortunately, the bright sunny day made getting good photos a bit difficult.

Faux C. Prince Charles in Question

Faux C. Prince Charles in Question

Manfred and Szczepan discussing the authenticity of C. Prince Charles

Manfred and Szczepan discussing the authenticity of C. Prince Charles

 The Garden of Marianne and Peter Kraus

The second garden in Uettingen, the creation of Marianne and Peter Kraus, also is made up of a series of garden rooms, each one with its own aura and all chock full of wonderful perennials, annuals, climbing roses, and clematis, many of them rare or unusual. My Russian friend Valentina, a rosarian as well as a clematarian, was in heaven! She was particularly delighted to see the antique blue-toned rambler Rosa Vielchenblau in full bloom. Only when it was nearly time to go did I discover that I had seen only half of the garden! It was on a double lot with a tall clipped hedge separating (or in my case – hiding) the second garden from the first. I had very little time to take in all there was to see on the other side of the hedge!

Gardener Marianna with Lothar (Germany), Iris (England), and Klaus Korber (Erlabrunn)

Gardener Marianne with Lothar (Germany), Iris (England), and Klaus Korber (Erlabrunn)

The Dusky and Alluring Clematis Romantika

The Dusky and Alluring Clematis Romantika

Clematis Pamiat Serdtsa (I think)

Clematis Pamiat Serdtsa (I think)

Clematis durundii

Clematis durundii

Clematis The President

Clematis The President

Attendees Carol (England) and Crystal (Germany) resting in the shade

Attendees Carol (England) and Crystal (Germany) resting in the shade

Klaus Kölle

Next stop on our way to Ludwigsburg was the Gartencenter Kölle in Heilbronn (one of several upscale and very successful Kölle garden centers around Germany). Owner Klaus Kölle was there to greet us and offer us an outstanding outdoor luncheon, after which we were all treated to tours of the bowels of the nursery business – way in the back where all the plants are grown for market. Then off we went to the large and gorgeous home garden of Klaus Kölle and his wife – auf dem Äckerle (which means On the Little Farm). This garden was utterly unbelievable. Huge with a lawn down the middle and deep deep borders all around, loaded with gorgeous plants, including many beautiful clematis, and showcasing vistas into the valleys and hills beyond.  An absolutely jaw-dropping stunning garden. And we had the great honor of being able to lounge about in it imbibing cool drinks and taking in the atmosphere.

Klaus Kolle and Daughter Welcoming the International Clematis Society

Klaus Kolle and Daughter Welcoming the International Clematis Society

Just a portion (maybe 1/3) of the beautiful Kolle garden.

Just a portion (maybe 1/3) of the beautiful Kolle garden.

Eye-Catching Unknown Clematis

Eye-Catching Unknown Clematis

Clematis Justa

Clematis Justa

Purple Clematis with Yellow Rose -- Wonderful Combination!

Purple Clematis with Yellow Rose — Wonderful Combination!

Clematis Julii?

Clematis Julii?


In Ludwigsburg we had yet another palace to see.  I chose, instead, to go with two friends across the street to spend the day checking out  Ludwigsburg’s shops and cafes.


The Garden of Elke and Friedrich Schmid

In the afternoon we traveled a short way by bus to the garden of Elke and Friedrich Schmid. This garden had loads of clematis in bloom, many of them held up by interesting natural supports. Though the weather was damp, we were undeterred. I think each one of us checked out every clematis on the property, plus many other interesting plants. Herr Schmid’s grandchildren, who have lived in the US for several years, were on hand to translate for their grandfather to those of us who speak English better than German.

Clematis on a Tripod Made of Natural Materials

Clematis on a Tripod Made of Natural Materials

Clematis Rooguchi

Clematis Rooguchi

Clematis Royal Velours

Clematis Royal Velours

Clematis Tie Dye

Clematis Tie Dye

Clematis Nelly Moser (or a look alike) Gracing a Dark-Leaved Maple Tree

Clematis Nelly Moser (or a look alike) Gracing a Dark-Leaved Maple Tree

Clematis Blue Angel Adorning a Conifer

Clematis Blue Angel Adorning a Conifer

Unknown Red Clematis

Unknown Red Clematis

The Ever-Beautiful Clematis Venosa Violacea

The Ever-Beautiful Clematis Venosa Violacea

That evening we were treated to another wonderful wine tasting, this time with nine wines, at the Bottwartaler Vinery – a much newer and more modern winery that the one in Wurzburg.  We were able to purchase wines there, and a couple of bottles flew home with me to the US.

Clematis in Germany and Holland, Parts 3 and 4, Still to Come  

Hmm, looks like I’ll have to report on my clematis activities in Europe this summer in four parts instead of two or three.  Part 3 will describe more activities in Germany, including another display garden, two more clematis gardens, and a clematis and rose festival in Unterleitzheim that occurs only once every three years.  Part 4 will cover the time I spent in Holland with wonderful friends who have a beautiful garden. I will also describe a visit to Ton Hannick’s propagation greenhouse and a trip to Boskoop to see two nurseries specializing in clematis.  So be sure to check back!

Clematis in Germany & Holland, Part 1

Clematis in Germany & Holland, Part 1

Recently, in late June and early July, I was privileged to attend the 2013 conference of the International Clematis Society in southern Germany, mostly Bavaria, with about 60 other clematarians from around the world. What a fabulous time! And, oh, my heavens, such a plethora of beautiful clematis we saw — some of which are not yet available in the US.

Just prior to the conference, I took a little jaunt to Heidelberg where eons ago, when I was a sweet young thing, I attended the University of Heidelberg for two years. I didn’t see any clematis there this time around, but I enjoyed seeing the lovely old city again–still looking much the same after all these years (unlike myself).

Old Heidelberg

Old Heidelberg

The Village of Erlabrunn

The International Clematis Conference began in the small and beautiful village of Erlabrunn just north of Wurzburg.  Erlabrunn boasts about 200-300 inhabitants and is the home village of one of the organizers of this year’s conference, Klaus Korber.  Klaus is a past president of the society and the current director of the nearby Orchard, Trees and Garden Department of the Bavarian State Institution for Wine-Growing and Horticulture (LWG for short).  The village of Erlabrunn decked itself out in 800 clematis (planted in 2008)  in honor of the 2013 visit of the  International Clematis Society!   Wunderbar!

Erlabrunn, a Clematis Village

Erlabrunn, a village with Clematis fever!

Bear with me as I show you photos of just a few of the 800 clematis on view as we strolled around the village.  Please forgive the quality of some of the photos — we were often out and about in the heat of the day, which is definitely not the best time for photography!

Clematis Pamiat Serdtsa

Clematis Pamiat Serdtsa

Clematis Royal Velours

Clematis Royal Velours

Unknown Erlabrunn Clematis

Unknown Erlabrunn Clematis

Clematis Alba Plena

Clematis Alba Plena

Clematis Minuet

Clematis integrifolia Alba

Clematis integrifolia Alba

Clematis Piilu

Clematis Piilu

Clematis florida Sieboldii

Clematis florida Sieboldii

Unknown pale blue clematis

Unknown pale blue clematis

Lovely unknown clematis in a pot

Another unknown clematis in a pot

Nice Pairing!

Nice Pairing!

Clematis Princess Diana

Clematis Princess Diana

Lavendar clematis gracing a pot

Lavender clematis gracing a pot

Clematis Romantika

Clematis Romantika

Clematis Utopia?  or is it Clematis Omoshiru?  or maybe Clematis Fond Memories?  Whichever it is, I want all three.

Clematis Utopia? or is it Clematis Omoshiru? or maybe Clematis Fond Memories? Whichever it is, I want all three.

Clematis Hagley Hybrid\

Clematis Hagley Hybrid\

Clematis The President? with a peachy rose

Clematis The President? with a peachy rose

Clematis durundii

Clematis durundii

LWG Welcome

LWG Welcome

LWG Display Gardens

We were also privileged to spend a day at the nearby LWG Display Gardens directed by Klaus Korber.  We were treated like royalty–the staff readied and served great food and drink for us in the open-air greenhouse, and Klaus acted as MC, providing us with information about the gardens, their history, and his own love for clematis.  The gardens are chock full of many carefully grown — and well-labelled —  clematis, roses, and other perennials, as well as fruit and wine grapes.   Cherries were dripping off the trees, and we were invited to eat as many as we wanted and, omg, were they ever DELICIOUS!  I think I personally ate about a hundred.

Wonderful Table of Clematis Blossoms

Wonderful Table of Clematis Blossoms

But one of the best things that LWG did for us was to prepare a long  narrow table full of small glass bud vases, each containing one flower from one of the clematis blooming in the garden.  Throughout the afternoon at least a few of us were huddled around the table checking out the blooms.  We had great fun comparing and contrasting the clematis and, of course, testing each other on clematis identification!  Below are a few close-ups.  Which ones can YOU identify?

Can YOU identify this one?

Can YOU identify this one?

Or this one?

Or this one?

You've got some help with this one!

You’ve got some help with this one!

I will post Part 2 of my clematis trip to Europe very soon — stay tuned!!