Mushrooms from the Estate part 4 🍄

Last Friday we went for a walk and made a lot of photos so i divided them over 4 posts , today is the last post of that walk the mushroom shots.

If you are interested in the other photos here are the links :

-part 1 Monochrome
-part 2 Bokeh
-part 3 wideangle

I hope to get out to the forrest again this week for some last autumn shots so keep an eye out for future autumn post if you like what you see .

Due to the cloudy day i had set the camera to auto ISO and decided to be a lazzy photographer for a day 🤣, however it's fun to see that even on higher ISO values the images still look good .
I did use some lights the Godox - M1 LED [ 5500k ] but no FLASH light .

I'm still learning on determintion of mushrooms so i don't have the names for al the posted mushrooms.

Sony a6000 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro iso 1600 shutterspeed 1/160

Sony a6000 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro iso 2000 shutterspeed 1/160

another Amanita muscaria / fly agaric ?

Sony a6000 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro iso 640 shutterspeed 1/160

Sony a6000 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro iso 800 shutterspeed 1/160

growing on a tree trunk with moss

Sony a6000 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro iso 2500 shutterspeed 1/160

Sony a6000 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro iso 3200 shutterspeed 1/160

dead Sorbus aucuparia / rowan tree with mushrooms growing out of it

Sony a6000 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro iso 160 shutterspeed 1/160

Sony a6000 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro iso 3200 shutterspeed 1/100

Sony a6000 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro iso 2500 shutterspeed 1/160

Sony a6000 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro iso 2500 shutterspeed 1/160

Sony a6000 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro iso 2000 shutterspeed 1/160

Sony a6000 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro iso 2000 shutterspeed 1/160

old european beech tree with mushrooms growing out of it.

Sony a6000 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro iso 800 shutterspeed 1/160

All images are created by me [@stresskiller] with my Sony A6000 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro + Godox tt685s flashunit and Pringlers diffuser.

Hope to see you soon on :

You can always find me on
the Ecency Discord server

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