
Archive for the ‘Plant portrait’ Category


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Gult er ALT. Det er gjennomskinnelig og tandert, lysende sterkt og energigivende. Gult er lyset, og uten lys ikke noe liv.

Gult er bærekraftig!

Valgets kvaler reiser seg som en mur foran meg. Jeg skal velge gul kandidat til Moseplassens konkurranse. Hvilken av disse solens stedfortredere skal jeg velge? Egentlig hadde jeg bestemt meg, men så dukket de opp, den ene etter den andre, og jeg innser at uten gule blomster slokner hagen. Her må jeg trekke på ekspertisen, og da trenger jeg ikke gå langt. I hagen min bor det nemlig Nymfer. Vi kjenner dem fra mytologien. Ordet nymfe betyr opprinnelig brud. Nymfene var unge skjønne halvgudinner som streifet omkring i naturen mens de sang og danset. De var livskunstnere som kombinerte skapende glede med åndelig utvikling og omsorg for naturen. De er mine forbilder, mentorer og ikke minst rådgivere.

Tidene forandrer seg, og også blant nymfene er likestilling en selvfølge.

På denne tiden av året er kontakten oss i mellom på det åndelige plan, men straks de første museørene spretter frem på bjørken, kommer også nymfene til syne. Hele sesongen har jeg gleden av deres selskap.

Vi følger i nymfenes spor på jakt etter den gule Favoritten.

Dahlia seiler opp som en sterk kandidat man aldri får nok av….eller

Måtehold har aldri vært Nymfenes sterke side.

men se her, kan en frisk liten blomkarse bli jokeren vi leter etter?

Hagevandringen fører oss inn blant kolosser av planter som Prakttelekia.

Til slutt samler en enstemmig jury seg om Gul(l)kandidaten. Valget faller på Praktsolhatten «Goldsturm» ( Rudbeckia fulgida), en skikkelig hardhaus. I regn og solskinn kaster den glans, og den gir seg ikke før oppimot jul. I en krans rundt det mørke øyet sitter bittesmå stjerner og skinner.

Heia Goldsturm!

Lyst på en gul budbringer? Kort kan kjøpes i  ETSY butikken min.

ENGLISH TEXT: I am going to choose my yellow candidate for the competition at Moseplassen. Which one to choose? I thought I did not love yellow plants that much, but by a second thought I realize, yellow means EVERYTHING. It is the source of life. The task starts to become overwhelmingly serious.

I have to turn to my mentors for help. You see, my garden is not only my home, it is the home of the nymhs. These wonderful little creatures known from greek mythology has settled here, filling the garden with their song and dances. They have the key to a good life, taking care of nature, creativity and fertility. They will take us for a walk around the garden, and they will show me which of my yellow wonders to choose.

Would you like to have one or more of these Yellow Messengers, to enjoy or to send some sunshine to a friend? you find them in my ETSY shop

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I just could not resist the temptation! To press the little bubble while waiting for the «blopp» gave me great pleasure as a child (annoying my mother though :¤ ). Fuchsias still fascinate me, and I can spend hours studying them as they dance through the process of life. 

Many years ago I saw a marvellous exhibition of sculptures by Edgar Degas in Firenze. In one room I met the little 14-year old dancer – standing there in the middle of the dark room – all by herself. I will never forget this experience. I sat down in a corner. Time stopped.

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It is always an inspiration to experience my work in new settings.

I share the love of growing life with artists around the world, and today I received the last issue of Balkon & Garten where two of my latest works are shown.

BALKON & GARTEN is the Garden magazine from Berlin, for urban people with a love for gardening – and art!
It  is a non-profit project published 6 times a year in an edition of 150 numbered  copies. The issue released April 1st has the theme Black and White.

Explore this little pearl of an art-garden magazine here: http://www.balkon-garten.de/aktuell/aktuell.html

BALKON & GARTEN gave us a challenge! Living with flowers is an overwhelming experience of colours; the colour of each flower, and the combiation of them. We strive to weave a carpet of beauty. In this carpet everything counts; the hight of each plant, the shape of the leaves etc. It is all about contrasts and combinations, making the most out of each plant by the perfect combination.

My blood red tulips transformed from a strongly passionate expression.

The shape, the sensuality of the surface and the grace in movement was emphasized by removing the colour.

Participating artists:
Ursula Achten, Sibylle Blaumann, Lisa Borscheid, Sara Bouschard, Harri Brill, Gerd Brunzema,
Erika + Helmut Buttke,
Elisabeth Eberle, Eva Engler, Dirk Gebhardt, Catrin Schmid-El Gendi, Simone Gülde, Klaus Harth, Christine Kahlau, Wolf Klein, Kai von Kröcher, Calin Kruse, Leslie Kuo, Jörn Lauterbach, Andreas Praetsch, Elly Prestegaard, Gianna Schade, Jo Spittler, Zuzanna Skiba, Ulrike Vater, Johanna L. Wange, Cornelia Weber, Katja Windau, Rita Zepf.

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