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Anemone Hybrida ‘September Charm’


Plant Information

  • Size: 2 Litre
  • Positioning: Full sun, partial shade
  • Soil moisture: Moist, well drained
  • Flowering Period: August to September
  • Hardiness: Hardy
  • Ultimate Height: 0.6m
  • Ultimate Spread: 0.5m

Anemone Hybrida ‘September Charm’ commonly known as Japanese Anemone is a herbaceous perennial with handsome three leaflet foliage of vine like green leaves, slightly tinged on the outers with purple.

Commonly grown for its stunning colour in late summer and autumn months the Anemone September Charm produces beautiful, slightly cupped rosy pink masses of flowers on tall wire like stems. With such stunning colour in August to September this perennial is truly a favourite in the garden. Suited for planting in flower borders and beds, underplanting of rose plants and with little pruning required; low maintenance gardens.

Anemone Hybrida ‘September Charm’ Care

The Anemone ‘September Charm’ can be a very easy herbaceous perennial to grow in the garden. Protect from pests such as slugs and snails and to protect from diseases plant with a insecticide and fungicide product.

You can leave this garden plant with no pruning, but to really make it flourish we recommend cutting back in late autumn. Thriving in sunny locations and moist soil types, avoid planting in wet soils as it doesn’t like this. To propagate divide the plant in spring and autumn as the plant can rapidly spread once it’s established in its planted position.