Melli Holiday

Written by Melli Holiday

Modified & Updated: 04 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Cathy Guetta is a name that resonates with the world of celebrities, music, and entertainment. As the ex-wife of legendary DJ and music producer David Guetta, Cathy has carved out her own niche in the industry, leaving an indelible mark on the scene. With a magnetic personality and an innate sense of style, she has become one of the most influential figures in the world of celebrity and nightlife.

In this article, we will delve into 12 captivating facts about Cathy Guetta that will give you a deeper insight into her life and career. From her early beginnings to her rise to fame and her philanthropic endeavors, there is much to discover about this remarkable woman. So, get ready to be intrigued and inspired by the fascinating world of Cathy Guetta!

Key Takeaways:

  • Cathy Guetta, a French-born businesswoman and former wife of DJ David Guetta, is a trailblazer in the music and party scene, known for her iconic “F*** Me I’m Famous” parties and philanthropic efforts.
  • With her global recognition and impact on the electronic music industry, Cathy Guetta continues to inspire women in entertainment, showcasing her unwavering determination and ever-evolving career.
Table of Contents

Born and raised in France

Cathy Guetta was born and raised in France, a country known for its rich cultural heritage and artistic expression. Growing up in this vibrant environment greatly influenced her appreciation for music and the arts.

Founder of the legendary “F*** Me I’m Famous” parties

One of Cathy Guetta’s most notable achievements is the creation of the renowned “F*** Me I’m Famous” parties. These glamorous and star-studded events have become synonymous with Cathy Guetta’s name and have attracted top-tier celebrities and party-goers from all over the world.

Married to David Guetta

Cathy Guetta is widely recognized as the former wife of world-famous DJ and music producer, David Guetta. Together, they formed a formidable partnership in both their personal and professional lives, working together to establish their empire in the music and entertainment industry.

A successful businesswoman

Aside from her contributions to the music scene, Cathy Guetta has also managed to establish herself as a successful businesswoman. She has leveraged her passion and expertise to launch various ventures, such as nightclubs, restaurants, and fashion collaborations, solidifying her status as a prominent entrepreneur.

A philanthropic soul

Cathy Guetta has consistently used her platform for the greater good. She actively participates in numerous charitable endeavors, supporting causes related to education, children’s welfare, and environmental conservation. Her philanthropic efforts continue to make a positive impact on society.

A trailblazer in the electronic music industry

Cathy Guetta played an instrumental role in popularizing electronic dance music (EDM) on a global scale. Through her influence and connections, she paved the way for countless DJs and artists to rise to stardom, contributing to the genre’s meteoric rise in popularity.

Global recognition

Cathy Guetta’s work and contributions have earned her global recognition and respect. Her transformative influence on the music industry has garnered her accolades and achievements, solidifying her position as a true icon.

Involved in fashion collaborations

Cathy Guetta’s flair for fashion extends beyond music and entertainment. She has successfully collaborated with renowned fashion designers and brands, creating unique and stylish collections that showcase her impeccable taste and trend-setting style.

A devoted mother

Despite her demanding schedule and high-profile career, Cathy Guetta has always prioritized her role as a mother. She is a loving and devoted parent to her children, balancing her professional and personal life with grace and poise.

Continued impact on the party scene

Even after stepping away from the limelight, Cathy Guetta’s influence on the party scene continues to be felt. Her unique vision and unparalleled ability to create memorable experiences have shaped the world of nightlife and set new standards for entertainment.

A symbol of empowerment

Cathy Guetta serves as a symbol of empowerment for women in the entertainment industry. With her unwavering determination and entrepreneurial spirit, she has shattered glass ceilings and inspires aspiring female entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams.

Ever-evolving career

Cathy Guetta’s career is marked by constant innovation and evolution. She embraces new opportunities, challenges the status quo, and continues to push boundaries in her pursuit of excellence, making her an inspiration to all.

In conclusion, Cathy Guetta’s remarkable journey is filled with captivating facts and achievements. From her pivotal role in the music industry to her philanthropic endeavors and fashion collaborations, she has continuously left an indelible mark. As we celebrate the legacy of Cathy Guetta, we recognize her as an influential figure who has redefined the party scene and inspired countless individuals worldwide.


In conclusion, Cathy Guetta is an incredibly fascinating celebrity with a wealth of captivating facts surrounding her life and career. From her early accomplishments as a renowned event organizer to her successful ventures in the world of music and fashion, Guetta has proven herself to be a remarkable individual. Her influence in the entertainment industry and her dedication to philanthropic work make her a truly inspiring figure. Whether you’re a fan or simply interested in learning more about her, these 12 facts about Cathy Guetta provide a glimpse into the life of a remarkable woman who has made her mark on the world in more ways than one.


1. What is Cathy Guetta known for?

Cathy Guetta is primarily known for her work as a renowned event organizer and her contributions to the music industry, particularly in the electronic dance music (EDM) scene.

2. How did Cathy Guetta start her career?

Cathy Guetta’s career began when she founded the luxury event planning company, Guetta Events, in the early 1990s. She quickly gained recognition for organizing and hosting extravagant parties and events.

3. Is Cathy Guetta related to the famous DJ, David Guetta?

Yes, Cathy Guetta was formerly married to DJ David Guetta. The couple had a successful partnership both personally and professionally, collaborating on various music events and projects.

4. What are Cathy Guetta’s philanthropic endeavors?

Cathy Guetta is actively involved in philanthropic work, particularly in the area of environmental conservation. She has supported various organizations and initiatives aimed at raising awareness and addressing environmental issues.

5. Does Cathy Guetta pursue any other interests besides event organizing?

Yes, Cathy Guetta has expanded her career to include ventures in the fashion industry. She has launched her own fashion and lifestyle brand, Cathy Guetta Collection, which features a range of clothing and accessories.

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