Tulipa turkestanica Species Tulip


Tulipa turkestanica Species Tulip

Tulipa turkestanica One of the earliest tulips to bloom. Graceful pendent flowers, up to 5 per stem, sway along slender stems like wildflowers dancing in the breeze. White petals with yellow centers, flushed greyish-violet outside. Flowers close up at night and on cloudy days. Very easy to grow. Native to eastern Tian Shan mountains.

6–8" tall. Early to Mid Spring blooms, Z4-8, Topsize 5cm/up bulbs. Div15.

6887 Tulipa turkestanica
Item Discounted
A: 10 for $6.75   
New catalog listings coming in early June
B: 50 for $26.55   
New catalog listings coming in early June
C: 200 for $85.50   
New catalog listings coming in early June

Additional Information

Species Tulips

Species Tulips are the original wild tulips from the center of tulip diversity in central Asia, and their cultivars which still have a “wild” look, comprise Tulip Division 15. All our stock is nursery-propagated from commercial sources and is not collected in the wild.

Once established with good drainage, these tend to perennialize or naturalize, unlike many of the big hybrid tulips. Most are not tall, showy or formal, but they have their own halfling charms.

Tulip Divisions

Div1 Single Early The oldest class of cultivars. Cup-shaped long-lasting flowers; good for forcing. Early Spring blooms.
Div2 Double Early Semi- to fully double ruffled flowers on short sturdy stems. Early Spring blooms.
Div3 Triumph The largest palette of colors, and the best class for forcing. Cup-shaped flowers. Foliage dies back early; easy to remove of over-plant. Mid Spring blooms.
Div4 Darwin Hybrid Long-lived type, with large long-blooming weather-resistant ovoid flowers on tall stems. Mid to Late Spring blooms.
Div5 Single Late Cup- or goblet-shaped flowers, includes Mayflowering, Cottage, Breeder and Darwin tulips. Tall, in a wide range of colors. Late Spring blooms.
Div6 Lily-flowered Pointed reflexed petals and a slender “waist.” Similar to the Ottoman tulips. Late Spring Blooms.
Div7 Fringed A finely cut fringe on the petal edge. Also known as Crispa tulips. Late Spring blooms.
Div8 Viridiflora “Green Flower” tulips have a broad green flame up the outside of the petals. Late Spring blooms.
Div9 Rembrandt Broken colors; all modern cultivars also belong to another class based on their shape.
Div10 Parrot Feathered, curled, twisted petal edges. The bud is said to resemble a parrot’s beak. Mid to Late Spring blooms.
Div11 Double Late Fully doubled ruffled flowers, commonly called Peony tulips. Late Spring blooms.
Div12 Kaufmanniana Low-growing flowers open wide in the sun; perennialize well. Also called Waterlily tulips. Very Early to Early Spring blooms.
Div13 Fosteriana Large single flowers with long petals in rich vivid colors. Reasonably long-lived, good for forcing. Also called Emperor tulips. Early Spring Blooms
Div14 Greigii Large blooms with short stems; perennialize well. Foliage is streaked or mottled burgundy. Early Spring blooms
Div15 Species Wild types and their cultivars.

Descriptions and Codes

See also: bulb planting information and bulb planting charts.