Happy birthday, Golden Gate! On this day in 1837, this scenic San Francisco suspension bridge opened to the public and the rest of the world. To this day, we still continue to be in awe of the beauty and power of this bridge, having withstood time, the elements, and various changes to San Francisco’s history. In honor of this anniversary, our content editors gathered these 20 striking photos on 500px that documents a day in the life of the Golden Gate Bridge—from sunrise to the mid-afternoon fog to sunset. Scroll down, and say a birthday toast to this iconic American landmark!

GG Bridge by Janet Weldon on 500px

A brand new day by Janet Weldon on 500px

Foggy Sunrise by Janet Weldon on 500px

The Golden Gate (bridge) by Janet Weldon on 500px

Golden Gate by Janet Weldon on 500px

Golden Gate Bridge by Janet Weldon on 500px

Golden Gate by Janet Weldon on 500px

Lost in the Fog by Janet Weldon on 500px

Foggy Morning in San Francisco by Janet Weldon on 500px

Golden Gate Birdseye by Janet Weldon on 500px

Golden Gate Mile by Janet Weldon on 500px

Gateway to Heaven by Janet Weldon on 500px

Vanishing Golden Gate by Janet Weldon on 500px

Harp of the Bay by Janet Weldon on 500px

Fog crawling under the Golden Gate by Janet Weldon on 500px

Golden Gate from Marshall Beach by Janet Weldon on 500px

Speed Limit 45 by Janet Weldon on 500px

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco by Janet Weldon on 500px

Dusk over Golden-Gate Bridge by Janet Weldon on 500px

Golden Gate Bridge 75th Anniversary Fireworks by Janet Weldon on 500px

Can’t get enough? Find more photos of the Golden Gate Bridge here.