Pick up manufacturer DeArmond sold amps from 1959-1963. Effects also.

De Armond amps were made by Rowe Industries, Toledo, Ohio, USA.

Excellent reference resources on DeArmond published by Guido Roth

[Source and images of 1960 De Armond R15TV eBay


De Armond combo amplifier Rowe Industries De Armond combo amplifier Rowe Industries Model R15T label

Images DeArmond Wa Wa pedal from eBay: Note the date is stamped inside the pedal.

DeArmond Model 1800 Wa Wa Pedal

De Armond pick up

DeArmond brand originally used on pickups, effects and amps built by Rowe Industries. Brand used for Korean guitars by Guild/ Fender.

Guild introduced DeArmond guitars in 1998. Fender had purchased the DeArmond brand of musical instrument pickups in 1997, and then combined the company with Guild to produce an alternative line of high quality, affordable guitars and basses based on Guild designs. The guitars  are built and assembled in Korea before being sent back to Corona, where they are fitted with American-made DeArmond pickups. Following their successful test runs in European and Asian markets. [Source: Adirondack Guitars]

DeArmond catalogs

Images reverb.com

DeArmond headstock

Dearmond guitar Made in Korea - US pickups

DeArmond guitar Made in Korea – US pickups