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Open today 11-19 (Restaurant 11-22)

Svein Bolling, Dag Fyri, Svein Johansen, Arvid Pettersen

01.04.81 – 03.05.81
Kunstnernes Hus Apr Mai1981

Svein Bolling, Dag Fyri, Svein Johansen, Arvid Pettersen


Born 1948

Solo exhibitions in Galleri K, Oslo; The Artists' Association, Oslo; Gallery Biggie, Stavanger. Collective exhibitions, i.a. in Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, Trondheim, Stockholm and Copenhagen. Purchased by Nasjonalgalleriet, Riksgalleriet, Norsk Kulturråd, Bergen Billedgalleri, Stavanger Faste Galleri, Trondheim Faste Galleri, Trondheim Kommune, Skolestyret i Oslo, Kulturutvalget i Oslo.



Born 1949

My development as a visual artist has been painstaking, borderline bound, but inevitably necessary. From the debut exhibition as a graphic artist in 1976, where Leif Østbye laconically reviewed in Kunst og Kultur: "Dag Fyri exhibited lithographs after Adolf Tidemand and others", and to the debut exhibition as a painter in 1980, where Dagbladet's reviewer does not find the exhibition worth mentioning, I regret nothing — and still doesn't. On the contrary, I see my starting point as a natural and necessary reaction against the spontaneous, individual pursuit within Norwegian painting that is almost dominant after Edvard Munch. A counter-tradition within figurative painting does not exist in Norway. The School of Paris, neo-romanticism, neo-expressionism, avant-gardeism and "new wave" there is barely enough room. The Germans Otto Dix, Curt Querner, Gustav Wunderwald or an Englishman like Stanley Spencery are not presented here, not to mention the American painters Farfield Porter, Rockstraw Downes and Cathy Murphy.

Several names could be mentioned, but the following quote by Farfield Porter gives a clearer understanding of taitt's current relationship with visual art: "Advocates of "realism", "the human image" and "tradition", those who dislike paintings In which you recognize no natural details , would like art today to resemble what they have found and got used to in museums. They use the past as precedent for what they propose In the present. The issue is the museum. And the more artists interest themselves in this version of artistic tradition, the more they separate art and life, to the detriment of both. The separation of art and life comes from the belief that form belongs to art and content to nature. In order to have art enough, they search for order. The search for order, and the prejudice that order is not natural, limit the artist's awareness."



Born 1946

Educated at the Norwegian Academy of Fine Arts 1971-76.

Solo exhibition at UKS 1975, Kunstnerforbundet 1976 and Galleri 27 1979.

Participated in a number of group and collective exhibitions in the Nordics. With Bolling and Fyri (3 realists) in Galleri Hornemann, Trondheim 1979 and with Bolling in Galleri Biggie, Stavanger 1980. Purchased by the Art Museum Ateneum, Helsinki, the National Gallery, the National Gallery, the Norwegian Culture Council, Oslo municipality's art collections, Stavanger permanent gallery and Trondheim permanent gallery.


ARVID PETTERSEN Born in Bergen 1943.

Educated at Bergens Kunsthåndverkskole 1964-67.

Debuted at the Westland Exhibition and the Autumn Exhibition 1967.

Solo exhibitions: Gallery I, Stavanger Art Gallery 1970, Trondhjems Art Association 1971, Bergen Art Association 1972, UKS 1973, Oslo Art Association 1975, Gallery 1 1975, Stavanger Art Gallery 1979, Gallery K 1980, Bergen Art Association 1980. Most important group exhibitions: "Bellevue-Bellevue" 1972, Biennale in Venice 1976, "Oga mot öga" 1976-77, "Landskapskunst Kunstlandskap" Høvikodden 1978, "LYN" exhibition Høvikodden 1980.

Decorations: Laksevåg Vocational School 1977 (in collaboration with Bård Breivik), University of Bergen 1979.

Purchased by Nasjonalgalleriet, Riksgalleriet, Bergen Billedgalleri, Stavanger Faste Galleri, Norsk Kulturråd.

See also