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The acromegaly definition can be explained as a hormonal condition that develops while the pituitary gland overproduces growth hormone (GH) in maturity. The pituitary gland controls how much hormone is produced throughout the body at the base of the cerebral cortex. Typically, GH is responsible for stimulating growth in children, but its role shifts to maintaining bone, cartilage, and organ structure in adults. When GH production becomes excessive, it leads to the abnormal growth of tissues and organs. However, unlike in children with gigantism, where the entire body grows in height, acromegaly primarily affects the hands, feet, face, and internal organs. This comprehensive manual will examine the signs, causes, and various treatments and elaborate on what is Acromegaly.

Acromegaly Symptoms

Acromegaly is a condition where individuals may not immediately notice symptoms, leading to delayed diagnosis. However, early recognition and treatment are crucial to prevent severe health complications. Enlarged hands and feet, along with distinct facial changes like protrusion of the brow bone, jawbone enlargement, and widened spacing between teeth, are common signs. Thickened, oilier, coarser skin, excessive sweating, and enlarged facial features such as the tongue, cheeks, and ears are also observed. Fatigue, weakness, reduced muscle function, joint pain, and limited mobility are experienced. Persistent headaches may occur due to pressure from a pituitary tumor. Hormonal changes may lead to menstrual irregularities in women and sexual dysfunction, including erectile dysfunction and decreased interest in men. Treatment involves surgery, medication, and radiation therapy. Regular follow-up with healthcare providers is necessary for monitoring and managing the condition.

Discover advanced care for acromegaly at Medical Park Hospitals in Turkey. Visit us for more information.

Causes of Acromegaly

The primary cause of acromegaly is the presence of a noncancerous tumor, known as a pituitary adenoma, on the pituitary gland. These harmless tumors cause an excessive amount of growth hormone production. Acromegaly can occasionally result from malignancies in other organs, such as the pancreas or lungs. Growth hormone is either secreted by these tumors or a hormone called growth hormone-releasing hormone (GH-RH) is produced, which triggers the pituitary gland to release additional growth hormone.

Experience specialized treatment for acromegaly at Medical Park Hospitals in Istanbul. Contact us today.

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Diagnosing Acromegaly

A thorough review of the patient's medical history, a physical exam, and specialist testing are required to diagnose acromegaly. Since acromegaly symptoms can develop gradually over an extended period, the condition often remains undetected. During the diagnostic process, healthcare providers will consider the following steps. First, they will review your medical history, paying attention to any reported symptoms and changes in physical appearance. A thorough physical examination will identify the characteristic physical changes associated with acromegaly, such as enlarged hands, feet, and facial features.

Imaging procedures like computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans are commonly used to see the thyroid gland and identify the existence of a pituitary adenoma, which is frequently the cause of elevated hormone production. Blood tests will also be performed to check the blood's levels of growth hormone (GH) and growth factor-1 which resembles insulin (IGF-1). Higher amounts of these hormones are proof that an individual has acromegaly. By combining the information obtained from medical history evaluation, physical examination, and specialized tests, healthcare professionals can accurately diagnose acromegaly. Early detection allows timely intervention and management of the condition to prevent further health complications.

Learn more about acromegaly and how Medical Park Hospitals in Turkey can help you on your journey.

Acromegaly Treatment Options for Acromegaly

The treatment of acromegaly aims to reduce excess growth hormone production, alleviate symptoms, and prevent further complications. The most common treatment approaches include:

1. Surgery: Surgical removal of the pituitary adenoma, known as transsphenoidal surgery, is often the first-line treatment for acromegaly. This procedure involves accessing the pituitary gland through the nose or upper lip to remove or reduce the size of the tumor.

2. Medications: Medications may be prescribed to regulate growth hormone levels and alleviate symptoms. These medications include somatostatin analogs, dopamine agonists, and growth hormone receptor antagonists.

3. Radiation Therapy: In cases where surgery and medication fail to control the growth hormone levels, radiation therapy may be utilized. This treatment option involves the use of targeted radiation to shrink or destroy the tumor cells.

Don't wait to take action against acromegaly. Contact Medical Park Hospitals in Istanbul today for expert guidance.

Complications of Acromegaly

If left untreated, acromegaly can result in significant complications that can profoundly impact health and quality of life. Cardiovascular issues, including high blood pressure, heart enlargement, and a higher likelihood of heart attack or stroke, are among the potential side effects of acromegaly.. Joint pain, limited mobility, and an elevated risk of degenerative arthritis can also occur due to the effects of excessive growth hormone on the joints and bones. Acromegaly patients are more prone to experience metabolism disorders, including diabetes and decreased sensitivity to glucose. Vision impairment, including blurred vision, double vision, and peripheral vision loss, can occur as the enlarged tissues affect the eyes. Acromegaly can also worsen respiratory conditions like sleep apnea, which can be identified by irregular breathing while you sleep.

Discover a brighter future with comprehensive care for acromegaly at Medical Park Hospitals in Turkey.

Living with Acromegaly

Living with acromegaly requires ongoing management and regular follow-up with healthcare providers. It is crucial to adhere to the recommended treatment plan, attend scheduled appointments, and communicate any changes in symptoms or concerns to your healthcare team. Support groups and online communities allow for sharing experiences, tips, and emotional support from others who understand the challenges associated with the condition.

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Medical Park Hospitals-Your Partner in Conquering Acromegaly.

For a precise diagnosis and a customized treatment plan, it's important to see a healthcare provider if you think you may have acromegaly or are exhibiting associated symptoms. Early diagnosis and appropriate care are essential for controlling symptoms and averting consequences. While considering treatment options, Medical Park hospitals can be a reliable choice. With international certifications, particularly JCI accreditation, Medical Park prioritizes patient and family safety and stays updated with the latest technological advancements, drawing on their 25+ years of experience. Connect with us to know more about acromegaly treatment prices in Turkey 2023.​