Web 2.0 Vs Web 3.0: The Transition to a Decentralised Web

Exploring the transition from web 2.0 to Web 3.0 and the role of Blockchain in establishing a decentralised Web

Darpan Kumari
5 min readJul 10, 2019

The current generation of Internet has redefined the way individuals and organisations communicate and collaborate with one another. Web as a journey started with Web 1.0 and has transformed from being a medium in which information is transmitted and consumed, to a platform to create, share, reproduce and alter the content. Today the world aspires for a Blockchain-enabled web 3.0 where centralized Servers would be obsolete and data will be controlled by the entity whom it belongs, i.e., the User.

The Journey of Internet

The transition of Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 made it an outright phenomenon in today’s society. Web 1.0 worked on the basis of search and read, leading to less user interaction and content distribution. Web 1.0 was static web, and the majority of the information was static and flat.

Web 2.0, came as a business revolution in the computer industry with a major shift happening when user-generated content became mainstream. Platforms such as WordPress, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and others emphasize the flexibility of access, interaction, mobility, multimedia capability, participation, informality and feedback. The dot com boom in the early 2000s, lead to a transition of the World Wide Web to a new phase of use and service development.

The UN estimated internet users increased from 738 million to 3.2 billion from 2000–2015, and the Internet became a means for like-minded communities to thrive. The advent of web 2.0 marked the age of user participation — a time when all users are empowered to contribute, regardless of background or position.

So with all the revolutionizing features of Web 2.0, what led to the development of Web 3.0?

Cons of Web 2.0

Web 2.0 suffers from information overload. With a large amount of information uploaded every day by different creators with different mindsets, causes users to get confused and the content loses its reliability. The current version of the internet is overpopulated with fake ID’s, spammers, forgeries and hackers who commit malicious crimes.

The advent of Web 3.0

The problem with Web 2.0 was not with the content but its architecture. The centralised nature of Web 2.0 opens up doors for security threats, data gathering for malicious purpose, privacy intrusion and cost as well. The Semantic Web, as many call it, is the stepping stone towards intelligent applications. The main idea behind Web 3.0 is to assist web users to contribute information in ways that computers can understand, process and exchange. This would enable web Applications to perform tedious tasks like collating information from various sources and search relevant information efficiently as per user needs. With the use of decentralized, peer to peer and secure network, blockchain is becoming the backbone of Web 3.0.

The future is not far where crypto-based phones, VPN’s, decentralized storage and cryptocurrency wallets are widespread. And, Web 3.0 is about multiple profit centres sharing value across an open network. Like any emerging technology, the progress from Web 2.0 to Blockchain backed Web 3.0 will be slow. Though the transition is slow and visually Web 2.0 user-friendly, the framework connecting users with digital services are markedly different. The Web 2.0 Apps would be gradually replaced by Web 3.0 Dapps like Storj and IPFS, instead of Google Drive or Dropbox. Many other services like Skype would be replaced by platforms like Experty.io, WhatsApp and Wechat would be replaced by Status, Facebook would be replaced by Steemit, while Brave browser will serve as Chrome. Also, it would be interesting to see how operating systems such as iOS and Android would be replaced by frameworks such as Essentia.one and EOS to provide a gateway to the new web.

Web 2.0 Apps to be replaced by DApps

Understanding how Web 3.0 works

Example Query: “Which place would be an ideal vacation escape from the scorching heat of summers with a budget of $2000? Also, I have a 7-year-old with me. ”

Currently, Web 2.0 user would have to surf for hours to find an appropriate destination fulfilling all desired criteria and the user would have to go through lists of flights, hotel, car rentals etc. On the other hand, Web 3.0 will be like a three-dimensional internet available for the user, providing him with better surfing experience and calling up a complete vacation package that was planned as meticulously as if it had been assembled by a human travel agent.

Source: Aliciachemistry

Advantages of Web 3.0

Decentralised Web: Blockchain backed Web 3.0 would ensure that companies like Alphabet and Apple no longer have control of user data. On Web 3.0, Intermediaries would be eliminated from the equation and Blockchain platforms would provide a trust-less platform where the rules are unbreakable and data is fully encrypted. Also, there would be no central point of control as no government or entity will have the ability to kill sites and services; and no single individual can control the identities of others.

Ownership of Data: Web 3.0 would enable information to be shared on a case-by-case and permissioned basis. At present, Global giants like Amazon and Facebook have factories of servers storing information on dietary preferences, income, interests, credit card details and more. These companies sell this data to advertisers for billions, on Web 3.0 end-users will regain complete control of data.

Reduction in Hacks and Data Breaches: On Blockchain-enabled Web Platform, data would be decentralised and distributed over the network. For hackers to manipulate or hack any user information, they would have to work on the entire chain of blocks and turn off the entire network, which is almost impossible. Currently, we hear cases of cyber-attacks happening every day, which not only compromises the security of individuals but also poses national threats. This happens because internet companies are compelled to hand over user data or succumb to having the entire database scrutinized. In the digital age, Data is more valuable than gold and Data Breaches costs the global economy trillions in dollars every year.

Source: Juniper Research

The transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 is a revolution in motion. The integration of Web 2.0 application design patterns with Web 3.0 logics and knowledge management would give rise to a new and exciting Social Semantic Web environment.

