Black Sweet William (Dianthus barbatus ‘Sooty’) 黑石竹

Black Sweet William (Dianthus barbatus ‘Sooty’) 黑石竹


2017-06-09Dianthus barbatus nigrescens Sooty (Medium)

Black Sweet William (Dianthus barbatus ‘Sooty’) 黑石竹

2017-06-09Dianthus barbatus nigrescens Sooty (2) - Copy

Black Sweet William (Dianthus barbatus ‘Sooty’) foliage and stems are also green with dark red. 黑石竹的莖葉也是綠中帶著暗紅.

Very cold hardy!   Biennial or perennial.  Unique dark red fragrant flowers in summer.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies. The first year seedlings remain evergreen and small as ground cover and the second year grow taller and fuller then develop flowers.  The foliage also dark red with a bit green.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  USDA Zones:2-9. Mature size:1′-1.5′(H) X 9″-12″(W).  Propagate by seeds.  Self seeds easily.  Suitable for growing in containers.  Good for cut flower.    If keep dead heading the spent flowers will prolong the life span.

極其耐寒強健!  二年生或多年生草花.  奇特的暗紅接近黑色的芳香花朵於夏天綻放.  花頗吸引蜂蝶.  種子種起的第一年其小苗在冬天為常綠地被且維持小小的株型但隔年則生長加快變高變茂盛且開出花朵來.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處. 極耐寒也有一定程度耐熱.  成熟株高1-1.5呎,寬幅9-12吋. 繁殖方式以種子來進行.  容易自行落子繁殖.  適合盆植. 適合切花.  若能花謝後摘除不讓結子則能延長其壽命.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:                                   
