Journalist Are Sende Osen will be speaking at RDE24

Are Sende Osen is a Norwegian Journalist, Podcaster and Author. With nearly three decades in Norwegian broadcasting, Are Sende Osen is a seasoned professional. His roles include work in television, the youth channel NRK P3, the mainstream channel NRK P1, and most recently, podcasts.

Are’s expertise spans education, humor, and entertainment. He’s crafted programs exploring religions in Norway, extraordinary lifestyles, hobbies, and the Norwegian military, establishing himself as a trusted voice. A veteran of humor on the airwaves, Are has shared his wit on radio humor programs for years, leaving audiences entertained and making a lasting mark on the comedy scene.

More recently, Are found success with the historical podcast “Kongerekka,” delving into the reigns of all the kings of Norway. From Harald Fairhair to the present monarch, King Harald V, Are brings history to life with his storytelling.

Join Are Sende Osen on a journey through the diverse world of media, where education meets humor, and entertainment takes various forms.

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