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Comet 10cm -15cm Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $16.95.

Flowerhorn Large

  • Flowerhorn Fish: A mesmerizing hybrid cichlid with vibrant colors and a distinctive hump.
  • Ideal Water Conditions: Temperature – 78°F to 82°F, pH – 6.5 to 7.5, GH – 4 to 10 dGH, KH – 4 to 8 dKH.
  • Fascinating Personality: Best kept alone in a well-decorated tank; known for good luck and longevity, reaching up to 16 inches.
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SKU: 45724822493236682

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Enter the captivating realm of the Flowerhorn fish, a true aquatic marvel known for its stunning appearance and unique personality. With its vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and distinctive hump, the Flowerhorn fish is a true standout in the aquarium world.

Scientific Name:

Scientifically referred to as the Flowerhorn cichlid, this majestic fish is a hybrid species resulting from careful crossbreeding of various South American cichlids.

Water Quality:

  • Temperature: The optimal water temperature range for Flowerhorn fish is between 78°F to 82°F (25.5°C to 27.8°C), providing a warm and comfortable environment.
  • pH Level: Flowerhorns thrive in slightly acidic to neutral water conditions with a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5.
  • GH Level: Maintaining a general hardness (GH) level between 4 to 10 dGH is essential for their overall well-being.
  • KH Level: A carbonate hardness (KH) level between 4 to 8 dKH ensures water stability and supports their health.


Flowerhorns are carnivorous and relish high-protein diets. Offer them high-quality pellets, flakes, or frozen foods specially formulated for cichlids. Enhance their diet with occasional treats like live or frozen brine shrimp, bloodworms, and small fish to keep them active and vibrant.

Tank Mates:

Due to their territorial and aggressive nature, Flowerhorns are best kept alone in a spacious aquarium. Avoid introducing other fish species to prevent stress and potential harm to both the Flowerhorn and the tank mates.

Substrates and Tank Decorations:

Provide your Flowerhorn with a well-decorated aquarium featuring smooth substrates like sand or fine gravel. Include caves, rocks, and driftwood as hiding spots and to create a stimulating environment. However, ensure that the decorations do not have sharp edges that may injure the delicate fins of the Flowerhorn.

Suitable Plants:

Since Flowerhorns tend to be diggers and may uproot or damage plants, it is advisable to choose hardy and robust species that can withstand their behavior. Artificial plants are a safer option if you wish to add greenery to the tank.


Sexing Flowerhorns can be challenging until they reach sexual maturity. Males usually have a more pronounced nuchal hump on their forehead and are generally larger than females. Adult males may also display more intense coloration and larger fin extensions.


Breeding Flowerhorns requires expertise and controlled conditions. The process involves pairing compatible individuals and providing proper spawning sites. Successful breeding can result in a batch of fry that need meticulous care until they grow to a suitable size.

Maximum Size and Longevity:

Flowerhorn fish can grow to an impressive size, reaching up to 12 to 16 inches (30 to 40 cm) or even more in some cases. With the right care, they can live anywhere between 10 to 15 years, forming a long-lasting bond with their devoted keepers.

General Information:

The Flowerhorn’s striking appearance, coupled with its intriguing behavior, has earned it a devoted following among aquarium enthusiasts. Its endearing personality and interactions make it a captivating addition to any cichlid enthusiast’s tank.

A Fun Fact:

Flowerhorn fish are believed to bring good luck and prosperity to their owners, especially in some Asian cultures. Their unique appearance, often resembling auspicious symbols, has led to them being considered as “lucky fish” and highly valued by enthusiasts and collectors alike.


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