Boiler Explosions

Boilers come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, from smaller residential units to large industrial models.  Boilers heat water or other fluids for a variety of purposes, most commonly for heating.  Many modern boilers use natural gas to heat fluids.  Because of the high pressures and volatile fuel source, they are known to occasionally explode, potentially leading to injuries or even deaths.

Boiler explosions can occur due to a number of reasons

  • Design Defects
  • Mismanagement of the Area
  • Lack of Maintenance
  • Insufficient Operator Training

The Explosion Resource Center hopes to provide you with the information you need to prevent a boiler explosion from occurring, or to cope with an explosion in the tragic event that one occurs.  If you or someone you love has been injured in a boiler explosion, you may want to consider discussing your case with an explosion injury attorney.

Steam Explosions

There are two major types of boiler explosions: those that occur due to pressure, and those that occur due to a fuel leak.  In pressure explosions, the rupture is caused by the build-up of high-pressure steam.  The pressure of this steam eventually overloads the boiler and causes it to explode, often with violent force. If you have been injured in a boiler pressure explosion, the Explosion Resource Center has the helpful information you and your family members need.

Fuel Explosions

The second major type of boiler explosion is caused by fuel.  Most commercial and domestic boilers use natural gas as a fuel source.  Natural gas leaks can occur for a number of reasons, such as:

  • Ignition failure
  • Loose valves
  • Faulty gas lines

Boiler explosions caused by fuel leakage can be even more dangerous than pressure explosions, because the combustible gas can spread throughout a building.  An errant spark can cause the gas to ignite, potentially leading to death and injury.

Boiler Design Defects

Boilers are used in many different environments, including homes, businesses, and industrial factories. These large chambers heat liquids such as water and are often used to produce steam to power various forms of machinery. While modern boilers are equipped with many safety features and checks, such features are often rendered useless when the boiler is poorly designed. Poorly designed boilers may be prone to explosions.

Types of Boiler Defects

As with any product, boilers may be prone to design defects that make them dangerous. Potentially dangerous boiler defects include:

  • Defective safety features
  • Broken or faulty seals
  • Improperly functioning heating mechanisms
  • Gas leaks
  • Broken thermostats

These defects may lead to a wide range of potential dangers, each of which could cause an explosion. Since boilers are responsible for heating liquids under high pressures, a boiler has no room for design defects.

Like other defective products, victims of injuries caused by defective boilers may be eligible to receive financial compensation for their losses. It is important to speak with an experienced boiler explosion attorney to help ensure that your legal rights are protected.

Mismanagement of the Area

In industrial settings, boilers are used to power many heavy machines that are used to perform various tasks. Usually, someone is in charge of managing the area in which the boiler operates, so as to uphold order and keep the area safe from potential dangers. Unfortunately, some managers fail to carry out their duties, and their employees suffer as a result.

Management Negligence and Explosions

Management in any occupation is responsible for a number of things, including:

  • Upholding OSHA standards
  • Properly training employees
  • Reporting any incidents
  • Ensuring that equipment is regularly serviced

When management fails to do these tasks in an occupation that requires the use of a boiler, employees may be at risk of serious injury. Boilers are more prone to exploding when they have not been properly serviced or when they are being operated by inexperienced or poorly trained individuals. Employees affected by boiler explosions may be entitled to financial compensation for their injuries and lost wages.

Lack of Boiler Maintenance

Every piece of heavy machinery requires routine maintenance to continue working safely. Boilers are no exception. In fact, since boilers involve great heat and pressure, they may require more frequent maintenance than other types of machinery. When the individuals in charge fail to have boilers routinely inspected and serviced, boilers may become prone to exploding.

The Importance of Boiler Maintenance

Boilers require frequent inspection and maintenance to run efficiently and safely. When inspecting a boiler for maintenance, the person repairing the boiler should look out for:

  • Ash in the heating furnace
  • Seal and gasket wear
  • Improper safety valve function
  • Hose leaks
  • Heating element damage

Any of these items may need to be replaced after constant use, which is why it is crucial to regularly check for any wear and tear a machine has undergone. When the person responsible for a boiler fails to do this, a worn-out part may cause a boiler to malfunction, which could lead to an explosion.

Depending on where a boiler explosion takes place and the circumstances surrounding the explosion, a number of people may be at fault. It is important to consult with an experienced attorney before pursuing legal action, as your lawyer will be able to help you determine fault.

Contact Us

We understand that a boiler explosion can have a huge effect on your life.  We’d like to help by providing the information you need following your boiler explosion injury.  If you’d like to learn more about what an explosion lawyer can do for you, contact boiler explosion attorneys.