Geranium x oxonianum

Pale pink geranium with purple lace pattern

I’m a big fan of hardy geraniums and keep promising myself the luxury of a post to share some of the pictures I have gathered of them. The trouble is, they are so rarely labelled. I think this dainty beauty is G. x oxonianum ‘Lace Time’ (or similar). It’s hard to be certain as there are so many named varieties of these hardy geraniums, and often considerable colour variation even within the same clump, as you see.

Setting the difficulties of identification aside, I like the contrast between the flowers in this little cluster. The one on the right looks particularly radiant. 

I’m linking in to Cee’s Flower of the Day. Cee hosts several challenges and has kindly offered to maintain a list of challenges hosted by other members of the WordPress community (including pictures, writing prompts and music) in an bid to plug the gap left by The Daily Post. If you host a challenge, fancy taking part in any of them, or if you miss reading some of the posts written in response to the prompts, check out her For The Love Of Challenges page.

17 Replies to “Geranium x oxonianum”

    1. It has a handprinted look – I’m curious to know how the colour gets there. Funny how I’ve never thought about that before.

    1. I like memes for the sense of community they bring. I don’t do any one of them all the time, just dip in and out. I often write the post and then think ‘What might this be suitable for?’ before I post it or I see something when I’m out and about and think ‘That would be perfect for…’. I do miss the weekly photo challenge though. I don’t think you ever did that but it was fun.

        1. They can get a bit addictive which is why many of us are in shock at the moment, wondering how we’ll fill a weekly photo challenge sized hole.

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