Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day. June Delights.

I have said before on this blog that if our gardens are not full of flowers in June,we might as well hang up our gardening gloves. This is the month that it is all happening. I am not a tidy gardener and I cram in more plants than this garden can reasonably hold, because I like the effect of  everything frothing over exuberantly and let’s face it a bit out of control. June is the time that my front garden comes into its own.

I have already written about roses and these two cistuses are at their best too. I love the dark maroon blotches on the throat. The petals are like tissue paper.

Cistus x purpureus

Cistus x purpureus

The little daisies of Erigeron karvinskianus round the feet of Cistus ladanifer seed around generously and they are always welcome. This cistus exudes a sort of sticky resin which smells wonderful in the sun and makes you feel that you are in Provence.

Cistus ladanifer

Cistus ladanifer

The daisies look pretty with Geranium cantabrigiense ‘Cambridge’. I am not very good at remembering geranium names, as so many of them look alike and they are only the chorus in my garden, not the the main players. Besides, they seed about and the offspring are often a bit different. In my opinion there are too many names. But this one  is quite distinctive.

Geranium cantabrigiense 'Cambridge'

Geranium cantabrigiense ‘Cambridge’

This blue one has seeded and the offspring is much paler. The small purple one is Geranium sanguineum.

The dark leaved one appeared in my drive, it looks like a form of Geranium pratense.

Geraniums are all very well, but they don’t make the pulse race. I love the little pinks which edge the path far more.

Dianthus 'Gran's Favourite'

Dianthus ‘Gran’s Favourite’

Dianthus 'Haytor'

Dianthus ‘Haytor’

Bindweed is a gardener’s nightmare, but there is one well-behaved little convolvulus which everyone who comes to my garden covets. It doesn’t spread at all; with a neat clump of silver foliage and pretty trumpet flowers it is a little treasure.

Convolvulus cneorum

Convolvulus cneorum

Another Mediterranean plant is Saint Bernard’s Lily, Anthericum ramosum.

Anthericum ramosum

Anthericum ramosum

The sun-loving Carpenteria californica with its anemone -like flowers is a favourite of mine. It makes a nice bush, but I find it needs staking.

Carpenteria californica

Carpenteria californica

I have quite a few late-flowering clematis in the front garden, but the elegant ‘Comtesse de Bouchard’ with its velvety pink flowers is coming into bloom now.

Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchard'

Clematis ‘Comtesse de Bouchard’

Salvias are very easy to keep going from cuttings, but with the mild winter we had last year, some of them never died off. ‘Hot Lips’ generally survives , but I was very surprised to find ‘Water melon’ blooming again.

salvia micropylla 'Water melon'

Salvia micropylla ‘Water melon’

Salvia x jamensis

Salvia x jamensis ‘Hot lips’

Let’s leave the front garden now and see what is happening round the small pond I made in the back. It has to have plants all round to protect the fish from the heron.




I have several pots of the delightful, little, starry flowers of rhodohypoxis. They live in the greenhouse in winter with a pane of glass over them to keep them dry and to keep them safe from mice.

Rhodohypoxis bauri

Rhodohypoxis bauri

This lovely dark red Osteospermum overwinters quite happily in the greenhouse.


In a big pot I have the rhododendron my son gave me for a mother’s day gift years ago. It started off as a tiny little thing which had been forced to bloom in March. Now it is just lovely with peachy buds. and delicately coloured flowers.


The dark red flower is labelled Calceolaria ‘Sultan’ which is a bit odd as ‘Sultan’ is supposed to be orange. I think this is far more eye-catching.


I made a bog garden on one side of the pond. At the moment this large flowered yellow Trollius europaeus is lovely. The iris is Iris sibirica ‘Sparkling Burgundy’ which is one of my favourites.


I love Ragged Robin and this white one is rather pretty. It likes a nice, damp soil.

Lychnis flos-cuculi 'White Robin'

Lychnis flos-cuculi ‘White Robin’

In the pond water-lilies are bloomng.
This is getting rather long, but let’s just go down the garden to look at how the winter garden is faring in summer. I wrote about roses and irises in my last post, but on the way, we must have a quick look at the roses which have come out since then.  I think this first one looks like an Alba. Maybe ‘Celestial’?



I just popped out to get a shot of the wonderful froth of Crambe cordifolia in the fading light. It looks wonderful with roses.

Crambe cordifolia

Crambe cordifolia

Well, we have arrived at the winter garden at last.
I grew some verbascums and some Euphorbia oblongata from seed to add some summer colour to this bed.

The foxgloves in the other bed are a total disappointment. I grew them from seed and they were supposed to be the lovely ‘Pam’s Choice ‘, a white foxglove with deep maroon spots. Look at the wretched things and I nurtured them for two years for this. If you are wondering what the yellow flower is it is self seeded Poached Egg plant, Limonanthes douglasii. Somehow the egg yolk has got separated from the white.

Another self-seeded plant down here is the lovely Evening Primrose, Oenothera versicolor ‘Sunset Boulevard’. The blue Corydalis ‘Spinners’ is the same one I showed you weeks ago and it is still going strong.

Oenothera versicolor 'Sunset Boulevard'

Oenothera versicolor ‘Sunset Boulevard’

Another welcome plant which has self -seeded here is the ladybird poppy, Papaver commutatum ‘Ladybird’

Papaver commutatum 'Ladybird'

Papaver commutatum ‘Ladybird’

If you are still with me I am sure that by now you have floral indigestion, so that is enough for today. I will finish with my beautiful orchid which has been in bloom for weeks now. It is the common spotted orchid, Dactylorhiza fuchsii. But it is not common to me, it is uncommonly beautiful.

Dactylorhiza fuchsii

Dactylorhiza fuchsii

Thanks to Carole at Maydreamgardens for hosting garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day. I am off now to see how other bloggers around the world are celebrating Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day

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35 Responses to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day. June Delights.

  1. pbmgarden says:

    Love the overflowing exuberance of your gardens. The ladybird poppy is pretty cool.

  2. shallowthinking says:

    Reblogged this on Shallow Thinking.

  3. snowbird says:

    Oh my goodness! What a fantastic display you have….everywhere!!! Your front garden is just lovely and your little pond looks brilliant, I must check mine for water lilies! I can’t believe how quickly your winter garden has grown. What a joy it must be wandering around your garden. A gal will have to visit…in June!xxx

  4. The pond area garden is wonderful. Your “common spotted orchid” is not at all common here in my part of the world – it’s a beautiful thing! It surprised me that we do have a few plants in common. However, my Carpenteria bloomed months ago and is currently a sad shadow of its former self as I cut it back after flowering this year. The Erigeron karvinskianus is a virtual weed here but, as you point out, a useful complement to bolder plants so I let it wander too. While I have lots of Osteospermum, I’ve never seen one in the rich red so now I’ll be on the look-out for it.

    • Chloris says:

      The erigeron is.a bit of a weed here too but I don’ t mind it always puts itself in just the right spot. The best way I ever saw it grown was on the lovely Lutyens steps at Great Dixter.
      I expect osteospermums grow well for you, they love plenty of sun.

  5. Christina says:

    I remember how beautiful your front garden was when I saw it in spring and now it is even more full of lovelies. The planting around the pond is so colourful and fill great variation in texture, a triumph for what can be a difficult area to get right. I love how you have treasures from the Mediterranean that I would find impossible too find here! Even the Convolvulus just died for no apparent reason and I hadn’t managed to strike any cuttings; I will put one in again though because I love those metallic looking, shiny leaves. Enjoy this month, because you’re right June is the best month in an English garden.

    • Chloris says:

      It is not the easiest plant to grow from cuttings, I have had little success in the past but I will try again. It is not reliably hardy here so one needs some backup plants.
      Flaming June is turning out to be rather a damp squib this year with just a few nice days.

  6. Phew! I am not sure quite where to start, lots of wonderful plants. If I had to pick a favourite, which is very tricky, it would be that Osteospermum, such a lovely rich colour. Beautiful!

  7. How wonderful to see the way such a rich profusion of flowers mingle together to form a colourful summer tapestry in your garden. The orchid is a truly beautiful specimen, I’ve not noticed green pointed bracts interspersed in the flowering spike before in the common field form we have here. How interesting.

  8. Chloris says:

    I read somewhere that Dactylorhiza fuchsii helps prevent honey fungus which is a problem here. I acquired a few plants from a local nursery and they are a bit weedy and never seed about. This one I bought several years ago on eBay and although it hasn’ t seeded about, it gets bigger and better every year. I wonder if the name is right it is so much more impressive than the other ones I have.

  9. Flighty says:

    A most enjojable post and lovely pictures. I like the look of the pond area. Happy gardening. xx

  10. Pauline says:

    What a wonderful selection of wonderful blooms, especially your beautiful orchid, that is lovely.

  11. Your garden is a work of art! I can’t imagine wandering through it without feeling joyful. You have so many plants in flower, both familiar and unfamiliar to me. The Osteospermum, the hardy Geraniums, the Cistus, and the selection of roses all make my heart beat a little faster. Actually, around here June is a relatively quiet month – things get more exciting in July.

    • Chloris says:

      Thank you Jason. I have noticed that your gardens over there are amazing in July and August just when ours are starting to look a bit tired..

  12. Your front garden looks a delight and very inviting. i am surprised how much further on your crambe and pinks are, mine are yet to flower. I love the look of your rose ‘Summer Song’ very apt.

    • Chloris says:

      With so much rain and a bit of sun now and then, everything is coming on very fast in the garden. I wish it would slow down a bit. You have crambe too? Doesn’ t it make a wonderful show?

  13. annie says:

    Absolutely beautiful! Enjoyed all the photos.

  14. Alain says:

    What a wealth of blooms. I am glad you grow some pinks, they do not seem fashionable nowadays. I like your ‘Gran’s Favourite’.

  15. rusty duck says:

    I know geraniums don’t make the pulse race but they are such good do-ers, fill gaps beautifully even in shade and I must get some more. I love the blue. Rose ‘Summer Song’ could induce tachycardia.

  16. Absolutely stunning! Your gardens are so beautiful and full of color. Thanks for the visit!

  17. You might get a kick knowing this was one of the few blogs I made time (and surrendered data) for on my recent trip, and that you made me look like a genius when I was able to name Anthericum ramosum, the mystery plant we were so taken with. Always striking, you garden is certainly over the top in June! I’m afraid it will be a couple years before I can enjoy England again, as my travel friends are eager for new horizons. But, oh, how I will miss it!

    • Chloris says:

      How nice to know you made time to read my blog whilst you were away, thank you Marian. I’ m glad to hear I could help with an ID. I’ m sorry to hear that you won’ t be over here for a year or two, I was hoping to meet you, I was so sorry to be on holiday last time you were in the area.

  18. Anna says:

    Could one ever suffer from “floral indigestion” Chloris? I don’t think so especially after lingering over your June blooms. I must confess that hardy geraniums make my pulse race but then again so do dianthus. Are ‘Gran’s Favourite’ and ‘Haytor’ scented? They’re one of my my mother’s favourites and they do so much better with her although I’ve got one of her plants settled in here now.

  19. When I see a garden like this I wonder how we humans got so lucky to inhabit a place like Earth, and I also wonder how you got to be so gifted at gardening! Wow, Chloris.

  20. Chloris says:

    We are lucky, although what you read in the news about some of the atrocities lately makes you feel that you landed on the wrong planet. So much hatred and intolerance, where does it come from?
    Thank you dear Cynthia, that’ s a lovely thing to say about me being a gifted gardener. Obsessive, is actually the word you are looking for.

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