
When I decided to have a go at writing a blog, I did my research to see what was out there already. Lots and lots of fabulously interesting stuff! There seemed to be a great many about taking photos of walks in the woods and countryside, trees, the sky, flowers, plants, children’s wellie boots in puddles, all very sweet and lovely to read, but decided to leave this to those who do it so well…

HOWEVER….. today I really couldn’t help myself, when out in the garden putting the washing on the line, seeing these little chaps bobbing about in the breeze…. Oh Golly, here I go, back into the kitchen to get my camera!



I do love my flowers, ALWAYS have fresh flowers on my window sill in the kitchen (at the moment a pot of tiny daffs…. see my blog on EASTER PAPER LOLLY’S) I L-O-V-E all flowers but do have some special favourite ones.
Fritillaria are one of them but I would never have these as cut flowers as I like them better in the garden.
I adore anemone’s and ranunculus and have a little wimper at roses too! Love the class of BIG smelly lilies, and think that mid summer, there is nothing better than own grown sweet peas.

Back to little checky Fritillaria’s… I have a few things dotted around the house…

This print I bought years ago at the COUNTRY LIVING FAIR in London.


This greetings card that was a MOTHERS DAY card from my daughter a few years ago that I still have propped up.


This little fairy that hangs from the dresser in the kitchen…. just look at her cheeky little dangly legs and funny little shoes…



…. and lastly, one more snaps taken in my garden today….


Oh flowers!

Best wishes to all, Jay x

Please leave me a comment… just skip past the leaving your email bit… look forward to hearing from you!

My little extra snippet for you by Soo … A survey says “More people use a blue tooth brush than a red one”