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Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

«Huckleberry Finn is one of the great American novels, brilliantly written by Mark Twain. Huck had a terrible childhood and a drunken father and when he runs away, he is truly alone in the world. The relationship between him and the escaped slave, Jim, is just marvellous»

Shirley Hughes, Sunday Telegraph

Sail down the Mississippi with rascally Huck Finn! Les mer

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Sail down the Mississippi with rascally Huck Finn!


Vintage Children's Classics
19 x 13 cm

Om forfatteren

Mark Twain's real name was Sam Clemens, and he was born in 1835 in a small town on the Mississippi, one of seven children. He smoked cigars at the age of eight, and aged nine he stowed away on a steamboat. He left school at 11 and worked at a grocery store, a bookstore, a blacksmith's and a newspaper, where he was allowed to write his own stories (not all of them true). He then worked on a steamboat, where he got the name 'Mark Twain' (from the call given by the boat's pilot when their boat is in safe waters). Eventually he turned to journalism again, travelled round the world, and began writing books which became very popular. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are his most famous novels. He poured the money he earned from writing into new business ventures and crazy inventions, such as a clamp to stop babies throwing off their bed covers, a new boardgame, and a hand grenade full of extinguishing liquid to throw on a fire. With his shock of white hair and trademark white suit Mark Twain became the most famous American writer in the world. He died in 1910.


«Huckleberry Finn is one of the great American novels, brilliantly written by Mark Twain. Huck had a terrible childhood and a drunken father and when he runs away, he is truly alone in the world. The relationship between him and the escaped slave, Jim, is just marvellous»

Shirley Hughes, Sunday Telegraph

«Finn is a brilliantly imagined mixture of wilyness and innocence»


«All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn...There was nothing before. There has been nothing as good since»

Ernest Hemingway

«So what makes these different to any other set of classics? In a moment of inspiration Random House had the bright idea of actually asking Key stage 2 children what extra ingredients they could add to make children want to read. And does it work? Well, put it this 13-year-old daughter announced that she had to read a book over the summer holiday and, without any prompting, spotted The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas...and proceeded to read it! Now, if you knew my 13-year-old daughter, you would realise that this is quite remarkable. She reads texts, blogs and tags by the thousand - but this is the first book she has read since going to high school, so all hail Vintage Classics!»

National Association for the Teaching of English

Medlemmers vurdering

Leeloo – 09.06.2006

– Denne boka er pensum på de fleste introduksjonskurs i engelsk litteratur på universitetet, og det er lett å forstå hvorfor den er blitt en klassiker. Fortalt fra gutten Hucks synspunkt er dette humoristisk satire på sitt beste. Stort sett grei å lese (noe dialekt), en rørende historie, og et flott innblikk inn i sørstats-USA på slutten av slavetiden. Huck er ca. 13-14 år, noe naiv og godtroende, men med et stort hjerte. Boken er en slags blanding av inititation story ("innvielseshistorie") og Trickster myter - episodisk i struktur (korte kapitler), humoristisk og historien dreier rundt noen som gjennomgår en modningsprosess. De beste scenene er kanskje de som involverer Huck sine etiske og moralske dilemmaer da han hjelper slaven Jim med å rømme fra slaveriet. Anbefales. MYE tilleggstoff er inkludert, blant annet tidlig kritikk og stoff om forfatteren. Meget nyttig ved bl.a. tolkning.

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