Rudbeckia hirta, 'Cherokee Sunset'

Black-Eyed Susan, Coneflower

Rudbeckia hirta, 'Cherokee Sunset'
Rudbeckia hirta, 'Cherokee Sunset'
Price: £2.75
Attractive to pollinatorsPerfect for cuttingBest SellerRecommended
    One of the tallest varieties, making it particularly perfect for cutting. Large, double flowers, many in bicolors, in shades of rust, bronze, gold and mahogany to bring some warm autumnal sunshine to the end of your summer. 2½ft (75cm)

    These so-called Gloriosa Daisies are magnificent plants for the border - the giant, single or double, daisy-like flowers, averaging 5ins across with some up to 7ins, are carried on long stems from early summer until well into autumn, and are excellent for cutting. Sown early, will bloom the first year.

    Genus: Rudbeckia

    Species: hirta

    Variety: 'Cherokee Sunset'

    Family Name: Compositae/Asteraceae

    Seed Catalogue No.: 1130K

    English Name(s): Black-Eyed Susan, Coneflower

    Hardiness: Hardy, Half Hardy

    Lifecycle: Annual, Perennial

    Suitable for: Summer Bedding, Cut Flowers

    Colour: Yellow/Orange

    Flowers: July, August, September, October

    Lighting Conditions: Full Sun, Partial Sun

    Soil Type: Clay, Chalk, Loam

    Soil Acidity: Alkaline, Neutral, Acid

    Moisture: Well-drained

    Customer Reviews - Rudbeckia hirta, 'Cherokee Sunset'

    Average Rating: 5 (5 of 5 based on 1 reviews)

    Rudbeckia hirta, 'Cherokee Sunset'

    Lovely cut flower

    Reviewed by Jytte Brink on

    Sowing the seeds in the beginning of May (Denmark) gives me flowers for cutting in September and right until the first frost, and their colours go wonderfully with other autumn flowers.

    Rating: 5/55


    Customer Review - Rudbeckia hirta, 'Cherokee Sunset'


    Germination Instructions

    Sow indoors. Sow seed onto moist well-drained seed compost. Just cover with a fine layer of vermiculite. Propagate +20°C. Keep soil moist but not wet. Germination takes 10-15 days. If there is no germination in 3-4 weeks cold stratify, move to -4°C-+4°C for 4 weeks then return to warmth. Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle to 8cm pots. Grow on in cooler conditions. Acclimatise and plant out after danger of frost has passed with 45cm spacing.

    Growing Instructions

    Prefers a moist well-drained soil in full sun. Do not allow soil to dry out. Mulch if soil is prone to drying out.

    Cultivation Instructions

    Deadhead regularly to extend flowering and encourage further blooms. Deadhead if you do not wish to self-seed.

    When to Sow

    • Sow Under Cover/Plant Indoors
    • Direct Sow/Plant Outdoors
    • Flowers/Harvest

    Approximate number of seeds per packet: 44

    Please note we pack the majority of our seeds by volume so the number of seeds indicated is only an approximation.