Robert Jordan's:The Wheel of Time discussion

Need info about WOT logo please

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message 1: by Carvanz (last edited Jun 13, 2017 12:07PM) (new)

Carvanz My daughter is trying to purchase a custom beer stein for her boyfriend. He is a huge WOT fan and has read the series numerous of times. She however has not. She has a picture of a dragon and the iconic WOT circles to choose from. She likes the dragon more but is not sure if it is exclusive to the WOT characters. Any help you could offer would be appreciated.


Which picture should she go with?

message 2: by Ryan (new)

Ryan | 20 comments I can only see one image but I think I can guess the other. The dragon is particular to Rand al'Thor, the main character in the series. The serpent eating it's tail is an ancient symbol of the Aes Sedai (magic-users in this world) and combined with the wheel is the overall logo for the series. There are different versions of the serpent and wheel. You have posted a modern one that, to me, looks kind of tribal. I prefer the older one that was actually a chapterhead throughout the series as that is the one I have tattooed. Hope this helps.

message 3: by Ryan (new)

Ryan | 20 comments P.s. I can't see the dragon, but I'm assuming it was the chapterhead version as well.

message 4: by Carvanz (new)

Carvanz Ryan, thank you so much for your quick response. She was unaware there was a different serpent/wheel logo. Would you be able to post a picture of it or send a link where I could find it for her? Not sure why the dragon isn't showing up. She's going to crop the picture and I'll resend it.

message 5: by Ryan (new)

Ryan | 20 comments Or if he had a specific favorite character I would go with along the lines of a challenge coin. You'll have to google them. I don't know how to paste pics on here.

message 6: by Shen (new)

Shen | 7 comments I like this one more:

What Ryan is talking about are the different versions of the same logo where wheel and/or serpent look slightly different.

message 7: by Carvanz (new)

Carvanz Not sure how I would know who his favorite character is, but maybe something I will look further into. Here is a pic of the dragon.


I think I found the original logo here vs the modern one you were talking about...

Original logo?

Modern logo?


message 8: by Shen (new)

Shen | 7 comments I think that the series logo is more recognisable and unique, while the dragon can represent various things, even though it looks cooler.

message 9: by Nona (new)

Nona Pelfrey | 3 comments If you're looking for WoT merchandise check out this site.

message 10: by Ryan (new)

Ryan | 20 comments That's where I saw those challenge coins^^^

message 11: by Matías (new)

Matías Racedo (librosydragones) | 7 comments description

This one is my favorite, and I think it's the most representative of the series. But the dragon is ok too, those desings are the chapter headers in the books, so yeah, he'll know it's from the wheel of time, don't worry =)

message 12: by Ellis (new)

Ellis | 1 comments In the books there are different logos on each chapter. Each logo is an indication on who or what the chapter is about. If she could find out who his favorite character is she should use that characters logo.

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