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Even Ulving (Norwegian, 1863–1952), Woman in Interior

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  1. Ebroin2:46
  2. iabdai2:57
  3. galanthophile3:11
  4. Hexepimpinelle3:15
  5. Beebes3:19
  6. poolcue3:20
  7. LeighS3:21
  8. elliemay3:23
  9. RustyCB3:25
  10. knd1193:37


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I think it's mine too, @december. Spring is pretty here too, but it always seems to go by so quickly, and then you know the long, hot summer will follow. 🙁


Enjoyed this puzzle very much. I love the rooms. The leaves here in Kentucky are beginning to turn colors. Fall is my favorite season.


I love the changing of the leaves. Texas doesn't have that. The first time I flew into Washington DC was in October, and the colors, seen from the plane, took my breath away. We have our own autumn-leaf trail near where I live now, The Blue Ridge Parkway, and yes, tourists in droves. I'll be enjoying the changes in my own backyard. I hope the soggy summer we had doesn't spoil it too much.

I like your ideas better! The leaves are starting to turn here in Vermont. It's my favorite season of the year. But we were so soggy all summer that the color won't be as good as some years past. But the tourists will still come in droves....


Or she's waiting for the fog to lift, or it's the beginning of winter and she's thinking about how long it will be until summer . . .

She hears a familiar bird ....

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