Garden by Yuichi Yokoyama

The Japanese painter and manga artist Yûichi Yokoyama lives and works in the Tokyo suburbs. In 1990, he graduated in painting from the Masashino Art University. He devoted the early stages of his career to painting, but he slowly moved to other ways of graphical expression, such as comics. Yokoyama sketches radically different worlds and alternate realities, where landscapes and architecture are composed of simple volumes or straight lines. This results in works of a philosophical complexity and strong visual power, with central themes like fighting and building.

New Engineering by Yuichi Yokoyama
'New Engineering'.

Yokoyama's work appears regularly in the alternative magazine Comic Cue (of the publishing house East Press), as well as Mizue and Saizô. He has produced many manga pieces to international critical acclaim, such as 'Public Works', 'Combats', 'New Engineering', 'Travel', 'NIWA', 'Outdoor', 'Baby Boom' and 'World Map Room'. His books are published in Japan (East Press), France (Éditions Matière) and the USA (PictureBox). He also does illustration work for the press and publishing houses.

Baby Boom by Yuichi Yokoyama
'Baby Boom'.

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