Fibonacci Spiral in Nature

Fibonacci Spiral in Nature

Mathematics is very interesting. So i thought to share my knowledge about Fibonacci series. Fibonacci Series is


Next number is sum of previous two numbers.

As you go farther in fibonacci series ratio between consecutive number starts becoming constant , this ratio is called golden ratio also known as phi.

phi = 0.618034

A fibonacci Spiral looks like this

As you see the spiral is made of following squares of 1,1,2,3,5,8... these are part of Fibonacci series so it is called a Fibonacci spiral.

As you see in above image the cyclone follows the Fibonacci spiral.





Above image is of a pine cone its seeds are also arranged in Fibonacci spiral.

Above image is of sea shell even it follows the Fibonacci spiral

Even our spiral galaxies follow this spiral.





Human Ear also has Fibonacci spiral







Even the human fingerprint has this spiral, they vary with size.

When you will count the number of petals in a flower, it will be always a Fibonacci number. Fibonacci series is found everywhere in nature and universe. There are many other examples like sunflower, shape of wave etc. also follow the Fibonacci spiral. I call this Gods Footprint.

Nature teaches humans many things. This series is very interesting and have taught us to harness solar energy more effectively.




"A solar power plant for effective space utilization and electricity production"

Mathematics is not only solving for "x", but also about figuring out "y" (WHY?).



Rohan Kane

Master's Graduate from RWTH Aachen University, Germany


Nice one google !!

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