Sunny Star Croton in small Ceramic Gray Pot


Introducing O'Dowd's Orchids Sunny Star Croton in a Small Ceramic Gray Pot!

Brighten up your space with our newest addition - the Sunny Star Croton. This vibrant beauty is sure to bring a burst of sunshine into your home with its striking variegated leaves that resemble a starry night sky. The hues of yellow, orange, and red will add a pop of color to any room.

Arriving in a chic small ceramic gray pot, the Sunny Star Croton is not only a delight for the eyes but also a breeze to care for. Just place it in a bright spot with indirect sunlight and water it moderately to keep it thriving and happy.

Bring home the Sunny Star Croton today and let its playful charm light up your living space! 🪴✨

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Care for Sunny Star Croton

Hey there, plant enthusiasts! Are you ready to learn how to care for the stunning Sunny Star Croton? These vibrant plants are a fantastic addition to any plant collection, adding a pop of color and style to your space.


Sunny Star Crotons love bright, indirect light. Place them near a window where they can soak up plenty of sunshine without being exposed to direct sunlight, which can scorch their leaves.


Keep the soil of your Sunny Star Croton slightly moist at all times. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch but be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot. These plants enjoy humidity, so misting their leaves occasionally can help keep them happy.


Sunny Star Crotons thrive in warm temperatures around 65-85°F (18-29°C). Avoid exposing them to cold drafts or sudden temperature changes.


During the growing season in spring and summer, feed your Sunny Star Croton with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 2-4 weeks to encourage healthy growth and vibrant foliage.


To maintain a bushy and compact shape, prune your Sunny Star Croton as needed. You can pinch back the growing tips to promote branching and remove any leggy growth to keep the plant looking its best.


Keep an eye out for common houseplant pests like mealybugs and spider mites. If you notice any unwanted visitors, gently wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or treat the plant with a neem oil solution.

With the proper care and attention, your Sunny Star Croton will continue to dazzle with its colorful foliage and bring a touch of tropical beauty to your indoor oasis. Enjoy watching this vibrant plant thrive in your home!

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