Gentiana tibetica

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Tibetan Gentian or Qin. Jiao (Gentiana tibetica), a summer- to autumn-flowering perennial native to the western Chinese and Tibetan Himalayas. Unlike many gentians, its flowers, which range in colour from white, through cream to pale mauve blue, are not spectacular or vivid blue and often they do not open fully. The plant is primarily cultivated for its bold foliage and shade tolerance. It also has uses in Chinese medicine. gentiana-2191htm'>Gentiana. <a href='gentianaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Gentianaceae</a>.

Tibetan Gentian or Qin. Jiao (Gentiana tibetica), a summer- to autumn-flowering perennial native to the western Chinese and Tibetan Himalayas. Unlike many gentians, its flowers, which range in colour from white, through cream to pale mauve blue, are not spectacular or vivid blue and often they do not open fully. The plant is primarily cultivated for its bold foliage and shade tolerance. It also has uses in Chinese medicine. gentiana-2191htm'>Gentiana. Gentianaceae.


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