Lilium nanum


Flowering sized bulbs.

Despatched October-April

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(syn. Nomocharis nana)

This is the original form of horticultural origins, long in cultivation in the UK probably pre-dating even Ludlow and Sheriff’s introductions.

Stems of only 15cm carry several very narrow, purple infused leaves and a solitary flower in this case of polished, deep dark chocolate maroon. A native of the Western Himalayas.

Peat garden or any humus-rich soil in half shade or light shade. Like many of these small Himalayan lilies, this appreciates cool climates and humid air in summer.

A miniature species with naturally very small bulbs, a point we need to stress if you are not already familiar with these dwarf, miniature Sino-Himalayan species.

Lilium nanum
Lilium nanum