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Nemalion multifidum (F.Weber & D.Mohr) Chauvin

Description: Cylindrical, reddish to purple brown, softly gelatinous thallus, simple or sparingly dichotomously branched, 2-3 mm wide, 250 mm long, with discoid base.
Habitat: Summer annual (May or June-September or October) on exposed rocky shores, generally growing on limpets (above) barnacles and mussels in the lower intertidal, locally common on southern and western shores in Ireland and Britain, rare and local on east coasts.

Nemalion helminthoides
Similar species: Helminthocladia calvadosii (Lamouroux ex Duby) Setchell, not included here, is a very rare shallow subtidal species found on western and southern shores. It is generally larger and broader than Nemalion and more profusely and irregularly branched. Helminthora divaricata is more profusely branched and is generally an epiphyte on Polyides rotundus.

Nemalion multifidum © M.D. Guiry

Species list

Lomentaria orcadensis
  • Bio AtlantisBioAtlantis provides sustainable technologies from the sea to enhance plant, animal and human health.
  • Connemara Organic Seaweed CompanyConnemara Organic Seaweed Company provide hand harvested, sustainable, kelp and seaweed products for human consumption through health supplements and edible products.
  • Emerald Isle Organic Irish SeaweedEmerald Isle Organic Irish Seaweed. A family business producing seaweed as supplements, cooking, gardening and bath products.
  • Irish Seaweeds LtdIrish Seaweeds Ltd are suppliers of 100% natural hand-harvested seaweeds and edible sea vegetable products from Ireland.