Espresso Machine Reviews Philips Saeco Espresso Machines

Philips Saeco Vienna Plus Automatic Espresso Machine Review

The Good: Super-simple to use thanks to the fully automated features. Reliability, control and an advanced pressurization system that creates the richest espressos in the price class. The most bang for your buck in an entry-level, budget espresso machine around.

The Bad: The brewing process is much louder than other espresso machines, but if there was one place that Philips had to cut corners to get the price down so low, this was the perfect place. Also, if you’re looking for stainless steel, this isn’t the espresso machine for you—the Saeco Vienna Plus is made entirely of plastic.

The Bottom Line: Widely regarded as the best budget super-automatic espresso machine on the market. Lightweight, simple to use, super affordable and overall, a recommended buy for you or anyone that wants to get into brewing their own espressos.

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Philips Saeco Vienna Plus Review

Philips Saeco Vienna Plus Automatic Espresso MachineSince 1980, the Italian espresso manufacturer Saeco has constantly been plugging holes in the market with their unique models and units. Unlike other espresso makers which tend to blend the lines with their “same features, same outcome” approach, Saeco constantly improves on their technology and answers the call of the market. With their Vienna Plus automatic espresso machine, Saeco has put forth a product that certainly plugs a big hole in the industry.

The Saeco Vienna Plus is the ultimate in slimmed-down, no-frills, no bells and whistles espresso machine models. This isn’t the unit that will remember your favorite drink or that will have it ready when you wake up. You won’t find any pretty LED lights here, nor any high-tech, fancy controls that will wow your friends. The only thing you’ll find here is pure, unadulterated, espresso making technology that gets it into your belly as quickly as possible with as little work on your part as possible.

In other words, this is for the espresso lover who wants their shot when they want one, without having to fuss around or read a book on how to make espresso. Further, this is for the person that doesn’t want to pay a huge amount for all of those bells and whistles—they just want the bare essentials: the espresso maker and a built-in grinder, all for well under $500. That’s what the Philips Saeco Vienna Plus has brought to the market and the way that people are snatching it up, it’s clear that Saeco has hit another home run by listening to what their customers want.

Now don’t get it wrong, the Vienna Plus isn’t some rickety old espresso maker with no features. It has exactly what you need to make a beans to brew espresso in your home—just nothing else. Here are the features (aside from the price tag) that will make you fall in love with the Vienna Plus:

Make more than just espressos. Cafe Creme, Vienna cafe, rich coffees, Spanish bustelos, etc.
Built-In Grinder. The integrated adjustable conical burr grinder ensures that you get as much—or as little—customization in your final product as you want. Plus, no need for a separate grinder to waste valuable counter space.
Powerful. The 1250-watt super-automatic espresso machine is tough enough to grind and brew anything you throw at it while making it delicious. Has a 15-bar pump as well.
Concise. Removable brew group so you can grind, tamp, brew and dispense all in one cycle.
Adjustable. A simple dial lets you choose your size (1 to 8 oz) and then push a button to chose the drink you want.
Pannarello Steam Wand. Built in wand allows you to froth milk exactly how you want it to taste and look. Also doubles as a hot water dispenser for other drinks you might want to make.
12 oz Bean Container. Enough room to brew espressos until your heart’s content—or you’re bouncing off the walls.
Opti-Dose Adjustable Doser. You won’t find any other espresso machine with a doser at this price point.
57 oz Water Tank. Removable for easy filling and washing.
Other Features. Stainless steel boiler, dregdrawer, removable brew group.

Who Should Buy The Vienna Plus Espresso Maker?

With all of that said, if you’re looking for a budget, no-frills home espresso maker that really puts out a fine shot of espresso, the Vienna Plus is for you.

Who Should Not Buy The Saeco Vienna Plus?

If you’re looking for a fine espresso experience or something that has all of the latest features, lights and dials, this isn’t the machine for you.

Saeco Vienna Plus Review—The Bottom Line

The bottom line here is that this is a stripped-down espresso machine that is full of quality and convenience at a price anybody can afford. To see just how good a budget espresso machine can be, click here right now and get your Saceo Vienna Plus today.

If you are looking for a more top of the line model, click here instead to see the automatic espresso maker that has been voted to bring the most value and quality to the table.