Wild Flowers Provence

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Carex pendula

Laïche à epis pendants
Pendulous Sedge


Additional information

Plant family


Les Maures

Flower size

catkin 10 cm

Flowering months




Leaf type



50-150 cm


Pendulous Sedge is the largest Sedge. It grows on alkaline as well as on acid soils, on clay and near a water source. The stems are triangular in cross section.


The flowers are catkin-like, 3-7 female catkins to 1 male catkin at the end of a long arching stem. The female catkins grow to 10 cm long. Male catkins are usually at the end of the stem, with the female catkins below.


Linear narrow blade leaf, like grass. Grass-like leaves bending over, 1 m long and 2 cm wide, light to dark green above, blue-green below.

Fruits Seeds

Achene: a cluster of green brown seeds, 3-5 mm long with a 1-2.5 mm beak.


The grain is edible after processing, as with other main crop grains.

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• Click "Wild Plants" (or the website title) at the top of the page to start again.