American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
2 years ago

Ugly face

What cosmetic surgery or procedure can I get done to balance my lower face? I feel like it just doesn't connect with my midface correctly. I have already had chin lipo this past year and a sliding genioplasty when I was 16, I'm 32 now. Also how can I improve my eyes? What else do you think I could do to look my best?

Procedure: General Reconstruction
Location: Trenton, MI

Replies 2

Larry Florman

I believe there is a lot of procedures that can help you, but I also believe they should be done one at a time. You need a Plastic Surgeon to lay out a plan for you. Take care of your lower face first. Or, correct what bothers you the most.

Larry D. Florman, M.D.

American Board of Plastic Surgery Certified

Louisville, Kentucky

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Daniel Allan

You might benefit from orthognathic surgery.


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